What Would I Say To A Younger Version of Myself
If I could talk to a younger version of me I would tell myself to tighten up and I would do some things differently. Don't get me wrong I’m thankful for what God has done for me and the trials I went through to help me become a better person, and I'm thankful for my husband, children,and family. It would be interesting to see what I would have accomplish if I could have gotten in my own ear, lol.
Miraculously, if I had that opportunity I would tell my younger self to dream bigger, work harder, and build my faith.
Dream Bigger-
Looking back when I was a child I did not dream big. As a child I did status quo. I did just enough to get by. I followed the lane that my friends paved. I didn’t really stand out. That's the reason I go hard to this day and I choose and pick things and people carefully. I’ve learned that your surroundings. and the people you engage yourself with plays a role in your development and success.
It wasn't until my senior year in highschool that I buckled down and got serious. The thing that woke me up and pulled me together was all of my friends were already accepted into college or military and I didn’t applied for anything..I said to myself I will not be the friend thst failed.I got myself together real quick, and started applying to colleges and I begin to talk to my parents and brainstormed what I wanted to do with my life.I decided that I wanted to go to college for education, and so I did., which was the beginning of my growth.
Work Harder-
Looking back I could of worked harder if I pushed through my insecurities. When I was a teen I didnt feel motivated.I did what was comfortable and safe for me, and not challenging. I was a shy teen and that contributed to me not pushing myself like I should. Most of the time I had self esteem issues due to my acne, my weight and sometimes I did not like my hair. All of those things prevented me from pushing myself because I felt like I wasnt that “it girl” and I really wanted to be. I learned later in life the way you feel about yourself determines your motivation and attitude.
Build Up Faith-
I will tell anybody having faith in God and having a relationship with him is the best thing you can do for yourself. You really can’t succeed, make good decisions if you don't have a relationship with God. As a youth I went to church every Sundsy, but I still did not have a real relationship with God.
I heard the word faith but I didnt know how to apply it to my life and the issues I was facing. Looking back I would tell my younger self that I am fearfully and wonderfully made inspite of my acne, .I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me when my assignments got tough. Now I realize that I had the total package all alone. The same abilities I have now I had as a child. I just needed to needed to tap into it.
Let’s keep this conversation going. Drop down in the comments below and tell me what would you tell your younger self. I would love to read your comments. Like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril, Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Blogwithaprilhaynesworth. Also if you haven't read my other stories on this website, please check them out. Thanks for reading. Talk to you soon 🤗