The Proposal: The Biden Plan For Education Beyond Highschool

Yesterday, Dr. Jill Biden, wife of former Vice President Joe Biden hosted an educational conference in Charleston, South Carolina. In attendance were her husband campaign managers, formal and present educators, local members from the community and myself. As we all know , her husband Joe Biden is running for president . If he is elected, he wants to invest in educational programs to ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to attend a higher learning institution that is affordable.

The purpose behind his plan is to ensure that everyone has a chance to have a better life in this competitive society. He states, “ 12 years of education is no longer enough for American workers to remain competitive and earn a middle class income”.

These are some of the things he is proposing: Tackling the barriers that prevent students from completing their community college degree or training credential, Investing 8 billion in community college facilities and technology, and providing two years of community college or other high quality training program without debt for any hardworking individual looking to learn and improve their skills to keep up with the changing nature of work.

Everyone have different challenges in life,some of  us were fortunate to go to college and did not have to worry about paying for tuition, books, childcare, etc. As for me I didn't have any real obstacles when I pursued my degree, which made it easi…

Everyone have different challenges in life,some of us were fortunate to go to college and did not have to worry about paying for tuition, books, childcare, etc. As for me I didn't have any real obstacles when I pursued my degree, which made it easier for me to stay in college and graduate.

There are some people that have financial issues, they may be an untraditional student( meaning they are are older and they have decided to change careers),or they have started a family first. These can be barriers that can hinder anyone from finishing college. Biden wants to come up with assistance that will help people who have certain barriers, it could be anything from grants, incentives, or financial assistance .

Investing in local college and communities is another helpful way in helping people finish their studies. If finances is an issue for someone, offering he/she with a laptop and printer will equip the student with the tool he/she needs to complete as…

Investing in local college and communities is another helpful way in helping people finish their studies. If finances is an issue for someone, offering he/she with a laptop and printer will equip the student with the tool he/she needs to complete assignments. Also having adequate resources to engage the students such as a state of the art library, study lounge, break area, working printers and other devices students need to achieve.

Last but not least, lowering or forgiving college debts for students who have done exceptionally well throughout their matriculation, or for people who scored high on a ollege entrance test. I’ve heard alot of people say” college is expensive”, they…

Last but not least, lowering or forgiving college debts for students who have done exceptionally well throughout their matriculation, or for people who scored high on a ollege entrance test. I’ve heard alot of people say” college is expensive”, they are right. Someone who works hard and want to advance or change careers should not be detoured because of college expenses. I agree with Biden when she stated that, “ we are in a competitive society, jobs are changing and we need to be equipped to live and support ourselves in this society.

Before I sign off I want to make a disclaimer, I have not made a decision on who I’m voting for in the upcoming election, and I’m not compaginig for Jim Biden. I just wanted to share with you his plans for higher education beyond highschool.Before you leave drop down in the comment section and tell me your views about this topic. If you haven't already like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril, Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel aprilbloghaynesworth. Thanks for reading . Talk to you soon. 🤗


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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