How To Create Your Vision Board
Some of you may ask what is a vision board? My answer to that question is a vision board is a collage of images that you cut out of magazines, newspapers, books, etc to put onto a poster board. Some people may want to know the purpose of a vision board. The purpose of a vision board is to give you something to work towards it can be a short term or long term goal or it can be a minor or a major accomplishment. The images on your vision board serves as a reminder to keep you motivated and on task as you work towards that goal or vision. Now that we have a better understanding of what a vision board is and the purpose of creating a vision board let’s create one.
Things you will need for your vision board are:
Poster board
Stack of different magazines
Paste ( elmo glue ripple the magazines)
Lyric free music
Prior to starting your vision board you must meditate, dig deep within. Meditation allows you to have a clear vision of what you really want, otherwise your vision board will be pointless. While meditating, go somewhere quiet and peaceful, think and ask yourself what do you really want. Some people journal their ideas as it come to them this helps them to see their vision.
After you've meditated and gained clarity on what you want you are ready to begin. These are the steps to creating your vision board.
Flip through the magazines and cut out the images that strike your attention, put them into a pile.
Sort through your pile of images, lay your favorite image into a pile and toss out the images that doesn't make sense or stand out.
Arrange - start laying the pictures on the board you can assign a theme on each corner of the board. ex. relationships, business, health, spiritual, etc. or you can lay the pictures on the board randomly.
Paste- Once you arrange your board paste down the pictures and take your time.
Decorate- after you finish putting down your image add some decorative touch such as: glitter, paint and you can use a gel pen to write the words.
Display your board put it in a prominent place where you will see it regularly such as: office, bedroom,or closet.
Act- taking conscious action towards your vision. ex: if you pasted pictures of a beautiful living environment start at home by decluttering , organize your closet and begin to make your home beautiful.
Also I like the idea of having a visual journal. In your visual journal you do the same process as the visual board. You can look at your journal daily, you can add pages with pictures you want and you can take out pictures you don't want. A spiral notebook will work best for your vision journal.
I think I’m sold on the idea of doing a vision board. It's popular and new and I see it as a helpful tool. I’m going to do a theme visual board for planning my three year old birthday celebration. I want to do something special now that she's a little older to enjoy to understand what a birthday is. I will like to start planning early so I can incorporate all the things she likes.
I charge each of you to create a vision board or journal, take your time and have fun. I want you to see how it changes and impacts your life. Drop down in the comment section and tell me if you’ve created a vision board? If so what was your board about?
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