Mondays Are Motivating

Happy Monday… I'm starting to love Mondays because I have something to look foward to and I'm enjoying life a little better than I have before. My life has gotten better because I found my purpose and niche. Everyday is a day of gratitude and me doing most of the things I love. Mondays are a great day to get goals pumping, dig within, make some changes and keep pushing in your endeavors. I want everyone to feel enthused, inspired ,motivated and ready for Mondays.

When I first started blogging, I was thrilled, and proud that I started something of my own, I was on a high and very excited. When Covid hit, things began to slow down and I had to pivot and rebrand. I had to think about other creative ways to promote my blog and my brand. There were times I wanted to quit . I found motivation from other bloggers and content creators and I began to find the value in my business which helped me to keep going.

If you feel uncertain about trying something new or stepping out the box, it is a normal feeling. I realized that anything you're about to embark on differently will cause you to question yourself and sometimes you feel out of place, when this happens you must push past that emotion and don't allow fear or being scared to stop you from achieving new endeavors..

Lastly, believe in what's helping you to grow. Don't be afraid of constructive criticism, allign yourself around like minded individuals, positivity and people that can mentor you. Whatever it is that is helping you to grow stick with that.

I'm always appreciative of you guys stopping by, feel free to check out the other stories on the site. Follow me on Instagram Bloggingwithapril Twitter AprilMHayneswo1 and Subscribe To My YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. Feel free to check out my store. You can access the store on the home page. Thanks ☺


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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