A Stroll At The National Mall

In case you didn't know, the National Mall is located in downtown Washington, D.C. close by the U.S. Capital and North of the Whitehouse. It was a privilege for me to be in D.C. for a Meta Conference ( refer to my previous blog “ Meta Boost Gather 2022 Highlights”) After the conference, my husband and I wanted to do some sight seeing, get some photos and enjoy the nice weather before we head back to South Carolina.

At the National Mall you will see lots of tourists, school aged children, veterans, bloggers, etc. exploring the park, taking selfies, recording videos, walking and jogging. The National Mall is deemed as the most visited National Park. The nickname for the National Mall is “ America's Front Yard”

The National Mall is very beautiful and well kept. There is so much history and things to see and learn there.

The National Mall has over 100 Monuments and Memorials . Due to time, we didn't get a chance to visit all of the sites, I must admit I was getting tired, my feet was hurting and my leg was stinging. I advise you to dress comfortable, drink lots of water and wear comfortable shoes because it's a lot of walking.

Our first stop was the Washington Monument This monument has claimed to be the largest structure in the world. There are lots of fun facts about the Washington Monument. Inside of the monument you can see the different memorials, the Nation's Capital, and the Whitehouse.

Paying homage to the 60 million soldiers that died in the war and the hardship which occurred during and after the war.

Pictures Above: My husband and I are inside the Lincoln's Memorial. I had the privilege of being interviewed by a journalist of the Washington Post. Hopefully my story will be chosen to be published if not, I'm still thankful for the experience.

My next stop is the Franklin Roosevelt Memorial. What I loved most about this park is the Eleanor Roosevelt statue. I liked what she stood for and how she used her influence to help poor women and families. She was a great humanitarian.

Our last stop at the National Mall was the Martin Luther King Jr. Monument. Surrounding his monument are his speeches and quotes.

Exploring The National Mall and D.C. requires planning and transportation. The D.C. Circulator played a huge part in our sight seeing. The fee is only a $1. to ride. ( pictured above)

Quick look of the National Mall. Yes, I'm a youtuber as well, please subscribe to my channel so you can be updated when I upload new videos.

Take a look inside the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, my husband and I hopped on the circulator to visit this Memorial. All of the memorials are a couple of miles apart.

This concludes my stroll at the National Mall. I would love to plan another trip to the National Mall to visit the other parks and monuments that I didn't see. This time I will be better prepared and take lots and lots of photos. Thanks for stopping by, I encourage you to read the other stories on the site. 😊


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


Happy Memorial Day


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