Superbowl Trends

Its Superbowl time, I’m enjoying all the hype. Honestly I do not know anything about a touch down and all the technicalities of the game, and I do not have a favorite team. I like the happiness, the celebrations that comes with it.

I prepared a little superbowl dish for myself and a few my immediate family. I prepared some barbecue smokies, homemade dip with some chips, spaghetti, desserts, and of course the official superbowl drink Pepsi.

Since I’m that girl that dont know jack about the game I want to share two things and some fun facts that keeps me watching the Superbowl they are: SuperBowl commercials and the halftime show.

Superbowl Commercials- I love a good commercial and I like to see how companies market their products. Usually the Superbowl commercials are livier and funnier. They are tailored towards the game and they are fun to watch. Often times the players ar…

Superbowl Commercials-

I love a good commercial and I like to see how companies market their products. Usually the Superbowl commercials are livier and funnier. They are tailored towards the game and they are fun to watch.

Often times the players are in the commercials to advertise the products which is a clever move from the advertisers. Also I like the Pepsi and Doritos commercial and how they imply that they are the official snacks for the superbowl . I must say business owners please take notes on how these major companies capitalize off us in these major events.

Halftine Show-

This year Superbowl headliners are: Jennifer Lopez and Shakira. Both of these women are great performers. The halftime show is my favorite part of the superbowl. I like to watch live performances to see how well one perform and I Iike to see what they’re wearing. The next day I like to watch reviews and hear different radio and tv personalities give their opinion about the performance.

Fun Facts:The Superbowl is measured in Roman Numerals because a football season runs over two calendar years In 2020  a 30 second commercial reportedly cost between 5 million and 5.6 million.Tom Brady has played in 9 games Joe Montana has won the Su…

Fun Facts:

  1. The Superbowl is measured in Roman Numerals because a football season runs over two calendar years

  2. In 2020 a 30 second commercial reportedly cost between 5 million and 5.6 million.

  3. Tom Brady has played in 9 games Joe Montana has won the Superbowl MVP three times

  4. Over 700,000 footballs are produced annually for official NFL use and 72 of them are used for the superbowl. (

What is your favorite part of the Superbowl, letus know how you and your family celebrate the Suoerbowl, let us know in the comment section.

Also if you haven't already please like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril and follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for reading, I'll talk to you soon.


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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