What to Gain From A Loss of a Love One

I will like to dedicate tbis post to the family members that was affected in the traggic helicopter crash in California this past Sunday. This had shaken up alot of us. My heart goes out to the family and friends of the nine passengers and I pray that God give their family and friends peace to surpass the pain .

We all have experience grief and loss whether it’s from a family member, friend ,teacher or someone we knew in passing. I feel that we grieve because we don't know how to accept and the process of death and we can’t physically interact with that person anymore. This week I watched a live video from the radio personality Rickey Smiley.

He talked about how we should seek a therapisti in addition to having faith in God .He says talking to someone about your loss is therapeutic. I agree that we should have a sounding board when we experience loss because its alot that plays into grief that we may not be aware of.

I have come up with three things that are helpful if you have experience loss or if you feel unmotivated they are: having perseverance, having faith, and applying lessons that your love one had left behind.


Perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. I have to stress we must keep going, we can not throw in the towel and forfeit everything we work hard for. Death can sometimes put things on pause but …

Perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. I have to stress we must keep going, we can not throw in the towel and forfeit everything we work hard for.

Death can sometimes put things on pause but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. When my mom was in intensive care she made it clear that she wanted me to continue to go to work She didn’t want me to stay at the hospital feeling sad. I was torned but I continued to go to work because of my mom .It’s been six years since she passed away.,and I understand why she said keep going, because if I gave up I wouldn't be able to accomplish anything .


Faith is the substance of things hope for, not what is seen. The two things that keep us going is having faith and hope. Think about it when you start a new endeavor you can not see the finish product, you are hoping its going to turn out epic. For …

Faith is the substance of things hope for, not what is seen. The two things that keep us going is having faith and hope. Think about it when you start a new endeavor you can not see the finish product, you are hoping its going to turn out epic.

For me it took prayer, going to a bible based church and having a good support system. To be honest life is not easy and especially when curve balls like: disasters, deaths, or setbacks happen. We need faith and hope to help us to keep striving and be the best we can be.

Learn from lessons and memories that love ones left behind.

Our love ones can still live on through their legacies We can begin to heal by learning and applying the lessons they taught us . To this day I apply alot of the things my mom has taught me. As I’m applying some of the lessons I ‘m prospering, I’m g…

Our love ones can still live on through their legacies We can begin to heal by learning and applying the lessons they taught us . To this day I apply alot of the things my mom has taught me. As I’m applying some of the lessons I ‘m prospering, I’m getting better outcomes and I’m feeling alot better about myself. I can see the changes in my life and now I can pass the wisdom down to my own daughter. I’m not as sad anymore because I know if my mom was alive she would be proud of me .

In the words of my mom, (Lillie R.Burgess), KEEP GOING. Feel free to share some tips of how to overcome grief. Like my page Bloggingwithapril on Facebook, and Follow me on Instagram and Twitter, Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for your support, I'll talk to you soon.


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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