New Motivation

Motivation is the key to growth and it helps us to continue what we have started. Sometimes we become stale due to life circumstances. Think about how you felt before you landed that job, started that business ,or before you obtained that degree.

Before we achieved any of those things an idea sparked in our heads, or either someone brought the idea to our attention. Instantly we becomr excited which then led us to feel motivated about reaching our goals.

Sometimes in passing I run across someone who was beaten up by there circumstances and they begin to feel defeated. When this happens they need new strategies to help them to overcome the barriers that have them trapped. If this is you, I have come up with four strategies to help you find your new motivation . They are: Find Your Purpose, Embrace Your Desire, Surround Yourself Around Positive People, and Take Action.

Find Your Purpose-

Finding your purpose means to figure out what makes you feel significant, and knowing what you like to do .Purpose is what you do naturally without someone coaching  you. I like to think of it as  your God given talent. It may take some people longe…

Finding your purpose means to figure out what makes you feel significant, and knowing what you like to do .Purpose is what you do naturally without someone coaching you. I like to think of it as your God given talent. It may take some people longer than others to figure out what their purpose in life is, but if you dig deep within you will begin to identify what your purpose truly is.

Embrace Your Desire-

To embrace your desire is to not feel ashame of who you are. We all have  different desires that we can capitalize from.  As for me, I like learning new things , travelling and expanding my horizons so that's why I started blogging. Blogging  afford…

To embrace your desire is to not feel ashame of who you are. We all have different desires that we can capitalize from. As for me, I like learning new things , travelling and expanding my horizons so that's why I started blogging. Blogging affords me the opportunity to research different topics, to express myself, connect with other bloggers and build my audience.

When I was growing up I always wanted to teach. Currently I am a 4k teacher, I enjoy teaching children life skills and getting them prepared for for the real world. I enjoy connecting and learning from others educators which makes my job exciting.

Surround Yourself Around Positive People-

Surrounding yourself around positive people means to find people with similar motivation or goals as you. We need to surround ourselves with people  that are positive and who are going to be honest to us and not just tell us something we want to hea…

Surrounding yourself around positive people means to find people with similar motivation or goals as you. We need to surround ourselves with people that are positive and who are going to be honest to us and not just tell us something we want to hear. Lastly if you are trying to make changes to your life or do something on a bigger scale be careful about hanging around nay sayers and debbie downers, because they can plant doubt within you,which can cause you to think negative.

Take a small action-

Taking steps toward your goal is a start. Once you figure out what you are suppose to be doing, start taking steps in that direction. We have to act on what we are trying to get accomplish by setting objectives and following through with them. Nobod…

Taking steps toward your goal is a start. Once you figure out what you are suppose to be doing, start taking steps in that direction. We have to act on what we are trying to get accomplish by setting objectives and following through with them. Nobody becomes grand or blow up overnight it took steps and work to get to where one wants to be.

I want to encourage the ones who may have become complacent and lost their fire due to obstacles to find your motivation again. If you accomplished something before you can do it three times over. Feel free to share in the comment section about ways you have motivated yourself or others, I would love to hear from you. If you haven't already like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril, and visit the other stories on this site. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril, and subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril Thanks for reading, 🤗


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

S.C.E.C.A. Conference 2020


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