Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day to all the soldiers who served our country and salute to the families of the fallen soldiers. I commend you for serving our country , putting yourself on the front line to fight for our safety. We must show our soldiers and veterans more appreciation of the work they have put in to keep our country safe. We should celebrate them not just Memorial Day and Veteran's Day but daily.

On this day and this Motivatuonal Monday I have several questions to ask.

Are you in tune with your physical and mental health? Are you truly happy, and giving yourself the attention and the self care that you deserve? Are you going to the doctor and getting regular check ups?

What do you believe about yourself? Do you have tough skin? Do you believe you can achieve anything? How are you setting yourself up for success?

Ask yourself, what have you've done lately to change the things you don't like about yourself and your family? Are you exercising, spending quality time with your loves ones? Are you leveling up?

Above I recorded my Motivational Monday speech. I've come up with the questions in the video to inspire individuals and to get others to think and look within themselves to see what they are doing to become better individuals. I’ve witnessed alot of unhappy individuals, and hurting people. I want to charge people to begin to do the work and to believe they can be better and achieve greatness. As we celebrate this Memorial Day, begin to love on yourself more and celebrate our fallen and active soldiers. Happy Memorial Day..

I hope my message motivate and inspire you to believe in yourself, keep going or get started on your successful journey. Let's stay connected, follow me on Instagram Bloggingwithapril, Follow me on Twitter AprilMHayneswo1, Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for stopping by, please check out the other stories on the site. Take care of yourself 😊


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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