Stop Putting Toe Tags On Yourself

Happy Motivational Monday!!!Yesterday I posted on my Facebook page that “ God's Plan Is Better Than Ours" I derived to that conclusion by reflecting on how much my business has grown and tbe amount of support that I'm getting from people in different cities, states and countries. When I started my blog in 2020 I was relying on the support of a few family, facebbook friends and my close friends. Guess what ? I didn't receive the support from the ones I thought would supported me. I was confused and hurt, eventually I had to regroup and move foward. I said that to say this , God's plan is way bigger. God didn't want me to limit myself to people that made me feel comfortable. God wanted to use me in a different capacity. I'm so thankful that I stepped out the box and allow God to use me., and he wants to do the same thing for you. I have four motivational tips that I want to share to assist you with taking off the toe tags.

  1. Sometimes We Can Be Limited In Our Thinking.

Being limited in our thinking can cause disappointment, because we think we have it all figured out. That was me, until I realized that my plans was not the best plan for my brand and my business. In order to grow you have to educate yourself and become a life learner. No one person knows everything that's why you have to allign yourself around people who have alreadt experienced things that you are about to face to help foster your improvement and growth.

2. Believe That You Can Conguer Anything That Comes Your Way. Build up your confidence by praying, journaling, creating a visionboard, speaking positive affirmations and staying inspired.

3. Begin To See Yourself How God Sees You Not Based On Your Past Mistakes and Failures. Get away from the old self and tap into the new you and the direction you're headed. Learn from your past mistakes and move on. Don't get caught up feeling sorry for yourself and being a victim. At the end of the day we all are victims of something but it's up to you to choose to be a conqueror.

4. Build Up Yourself By Taking Off The Toe Tag and Limitations.

You have the power to create your destiny. Stop letting others control your emotions, thoughts and feelings. Set the stage that you want to perform on. Teach others how to treat you, demand what you want and walk in your greatness head up and shoulders squared. You got this 💪🏾.

Thank you for visiting my site, while you're here check out the other stories. I have lifestyle apparel, lipstick products, and health and wellness products that will help bring out the beauty within. You can access the links on my home page. Follow me on Instagram Bloggingwithapril, Twitter AprilMHayneswo1. 🥰


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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