Get Up Get Dressed

Lately, getting up and getting dressed had been a challenge due to the nation being quarantined. The norm for many of us was to get up in the mornings,get dressed and head to work which gave us a reason to get dressed. Due to this outbreak we're not certain when we're going to go out, go to work or take a vacation. Through it all we must not get discouraged and lose ourselves, we must keep up the same momentum we had prior to this pandemic. In this post I will talk about how it is important to get up and get dressed.

Getting dress daily makes you feel motivated to work, do chores, and take care of yourself and your family. When you keep on your pajamas it makes you want to lounge around and stay in the bed longer which causes  you to become lazy.

Getting dress daily makes you feel motivated to work, do chores, and take care of yourself and your family. When you keep on your pajamas it makes you want to lounge around and stay in the bed longer which causes you to become lazy.

Getting dressed is self care  because your taking the time to take care of your hygiene, and put on clothing. When you get dressed you are striving to feel and look your best  which is an important factor.

Getting dressed is self care because your taking the time to take care of your hygiene, and put on clothing. When you get dressed you are striving to feel and look your best which is an important factor.

Getting dressed changes your mood and set the tone. When you put on clothing, you start to feel and look better, become  empowered and  you are ready to take on tasks and whatever comes your way.

Getting dressed changes your mood and set the tone. When you put on clothing, you start to feel and look better, become empowered and you are ready to take on tasks and whatever comes your way.

Getting dressed can create a sense of structure and distinction between the days of the week. While we're at home, it's easy to fall in a rut and not know one day from the next. You can overcome that rut, by getting dress, planning your day and taki…

Getting dressed can create a sense of structure and distinction between the days of the week. While we're at home, it's easy to fall in a rut and not know one day from the next. You can overcome that rut, by getting dress, planning your day and taking action.

Social distancing has allowed us to do facebook lives, face time, conference calls, etc. You can make it fun by getting dressed up and go live on facebook or YouTube. You can show off your fashions or play a fun game, or just chat. Presenting yourself well on any social media platform is a must because you never know who is watching which may be your next employer or business partner.

My birthday is April 26th, i’ve decided to celebrate myself by having a Get Up Get Dressed Challenge. Each day for the next 25 days I will post a picture of me fully dressed with no pajamas and beneath my photo I will hash tag #getupgetdressed.Join …

My birthday is April 26th, i’ve decided to celebrate myself by having a Get Up Get Dressed Challenge. Each day for the next 25 days I will post a picture of me fully dressed with no pajamas and beneath my photo I will hash tag #getupgetdressed.

Join me as I do my birthday challenge, I will like to empower others to get up and get dress and feel good about themselves. Thanks for reading. I’ll talk to you soon. 🤳


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

The Better Me Challenge


In Home Spa Day