What You Allow, Is The Way They Will Treat You.
Hello ya'll, I hate to say it like this but you are partially responsible for the way others treat you. In most cases you may not deserve the ugly actions of others, but that doesnt mean you have to sit there and tolerate the way you're being treated you can kindly teach them how you want them to treat you. After you begin to set your boundaries you will begin to get the treatment that you deserve from others.
Yesterday I was listening to a conversation on Instagram and the lady was sharing how she was getting cheated on, abused and walked over in her past relationship. She admitted that she allowed that to happen to her because she didn't walk away sooner. One day she said to herself that she was tired of being treated badly, and she took a stand and kicked him out of her home, when the guy left she haven't looked back since. Some people need to have that same attitude so they can move on to bigger and better things in life. After listening to that young lady story on Instagram I decided to come up with this topic to encourage people who are in the same situation this young lady was in before she said enough is enough. I’ve come up with some tips to help you to become more assertive and to help you gain the respect you deserve and need to thrive they are:
Don't Allow Your Spouse, Friend, Significant Other, Family Member To Cut You Off Or Overtalk You. - If you are having a conversation each party needs to be able to speak to get their point across. Signs of disrespect is shushing the person, or talking loudly over the person that is speaking .You can set boundaries by saying, I'll let you have the floor and after you’re finish it's my turn to speak. If the person insist on not letting you speak, tell the person when you are ready we will revisit the conversation and calmly walk away.
2. Don't Allow Anyone To Project Their Views and Opinions on You. - Alot of times people treat you how they view you. Don't settle or stand for it. Believe what you want to believe about yourself, not what others say you are. Sometimes people close to you can misjudge you. Have a clear understanding of who you are and stick with it. Start saying positive things and affirmations in the atmosphere and over your life and read the Bible to get a sense of self and for encouragement.
3. Don't Allow Others To Pull You In Their Drama. Pick and choose your battles wisely. Everything is not your fight, you need to know when to walk away and know when to address an issue. Often times if someone comes to me with drama, I think to myself how is this going to benefit me and do I really care? I allow people to figure out their own stuff and I stay clear away from it. It takes too much energy to get involved in someone's else mess.
4. It's Never Okay For Someone To Put Their Hands On You. - This need to be a clear expectation from day one. It's not okay for someone to be in your personal space yelling loudly or threatening you. You can demand that the person talk to you respectfully and calmly. You are entitled to walk away when the conversation gets heated, or if the person's body language is off.
Guys I hope you are in a healthy relationship, if not please get help or get out. We all are precious and valuable. If you’re in an abusive relationship pleae call 1-800-799-7233. Thank you for reading and watching my video. Please feel free to drop down your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below. I will love to hear from you.
I have a bonus song below that I think we all need to hear z“ Fresh Air" from Future. Enjoy the 🎵. ( I Don't Own The Rights To The Music, this is for entertaining purposes)