Are Soul Ties Ruining Your Life?

Many of us have fell victim to a soul tie whether it was emotional or physical. We couldn’t get the person off our mind, we couldn't think clearly, and we all did senseless stuff to satisfy the person we had a soul tie with. When we got delivered from that stronghold we felt liberated, we began to think clearly and we became more productive. Sadly there are still some people out here that is spiritually tied or bind to someone and they're not aware what it is.

I’ve talked to beautiful talented and smart women that have put their life and dreams on hold and couldn't get it together because they were infatuated with someone who didn't have them in their best interest and treated them badly. In this post I will give examples to assess if you have a soul tie and ways to break soul ties.

A soul tie is a phrase which some people use to refer to a spiritual connection between two people. In many cases it is said that it has come into existence after two people have been physically intimate.

A soul tie is a phrase which some people use to refer to a spiritual connection between two people. In many cases it is said that it has come into existence after two people have been physically intimate.

Examples of a soul tie:Obsessing about a person in your thoughts Dreaming about the personHearing a person's voice in your head The person may pop into your thoughts even when your intimate with your current partner.

Examples of a soul tie:

  • Obsessing about a person in your thoughts

  • Dreaming about the person

  • Hearing a person's voice in your head

  • The person may pop into your thoughts even when your intimate with your current partner.

Soul ties are demonic and it takes the Lord to break that stronghold.  Soul ties are not going to break themselves it takes acknowledging the issue, repenting and asking God to cleanse you. Soul ties are similar to any other stronghold such as: alco…

Soul ties are demonic and it takes the Lord to break that stronghold. Soul ties are not going to break themselves it takes acknowledging the issue, repenting and asking God to cleanse you. Soul ties are similar to any other stronghold such as: alcoholism, substance abuse, etc. They all can wreck havoc in your life and cause turmoil if your not in control of the problem.

Ways To Break A Soul TieBreak away from past or old relationships- you could have a soul tie with someone without being intimate with that person.Rebuke any  sexual thoughts or fascinations about othersAcknowledge that you have a soul tie and be int…

Ways To Break A Soul Tie

  • Break away from past or old relationships- you could have a soul tie with someone without being intimate with that person.

  • Rebuke any sexual thoughts or fascinations about others

  • Acknowledge that you have a soul tie and be intentional about cutting the soul tie. ( Don’t brush it under the rug)

  • Don't feed your spirit with negativity or sing sad songs.

  • Think productive, read a book, do something enjoyable, study the Bible and other inspirational books, do acts of kindness and a hobby.

  • Disconnect from the person you're having a thought about, don’t follow them on social media, delete their number, don’t call them.

  • Get rid of gifts, pictures, etc, that you're keeping as a keepsake to remind you of that person.

I hope this was helpful in helping you to identify what a soul tie is and ways to get rid of a soul tie. The video below is also helpful in helping you to break a soul tie. Feel free to share your thoughts about this topic. Thanks for reading and watching I'll talk to you soon.


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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