My Spring Bling Bucket List

My Spring Break is a month away, I’m excited and I'm ready to “Spring Foward”. I love Spring because I don't like the cold weather,I get to enjoy the outdoors, I love to see the colorful flowers and the green grass and Day light Savings Time.

I'm already thinking and planning activities for Spring Break,and Easter.I love bright colors, fashion and the other razzle dazzles. The Spring will allow us to show off our creativity so I’m here for it. My Spring Bling Bucket List includes: Spicing up my home decor,planning activities for the family for Spring Break,Finding the right fashion for Easter,and decorating easter eggs,and doing arts and crafts.

I like going in the home section in  Burlington and TJ Maxx, they have the cutest and latest fashion decor thst’s inexpensive. I like to see how they put the color scheme together I’m into  plush pillows, sequins and the furry rug theme. Currently, …

I like going in the home section in Burlington and TJ Maxx, they have the cutest and latest fashion decor thst’s inexpensive. I like to see how they put the color scheme together I’m into plush pillows, sequins and the furry rug theme. Currently, I have plush furry pillows for my living room that goes with my green and beige color scheme,but I want to change my color scheme and add some new decor, I’m thinking of fiery red or burgandy,and forest green.

The seven biggest color trends for 2020 is flame scarlet, bold.,bright warm and energetic. Such as: faded denim, biscay green, coral pink, saffron. chive, and white.

The seven biggest color trends for 2020 is flame scarlet, bold.,bright warm and energetic. Such as: faded denim, biscay green, coral pink, saffron. chive, and white.

I cherish my family, and I  believe that spending time with your family is important and it helps you build a stronger  relationship , so I’m always looking for ways to spend time and have fun with my family. So far I’m planning to take my children …

I cherish my family, and I believe that spending time with your family is important and it helps you build a stronger relationship , so I’m always looking for ways to spend time and have fun with my family. So far I’m planning to take my children to the beach if the weather permits, the Riverbank Zoo, and while I’m there I would like to do some zip lining. I chose the beach and the zoo because there something to do with everyone.

I love to look good on a budget. I'm a believer that you don't have to spend alot of money to look good.I believe if you look good you will feel good about yourself. I mainly shop at H&M, TJ Maxx, Burlington,Shoe Show,Children's Place, Foot Lock…

I love to look good on a budget. I'm a believer that you don't have to spend alot of money to look good.I believe if you look good you will feel good about yourself. I mainly shop at H&M, TJ Maxx, Burlington,Shoe Show,Children's Place, Foot Locker and New York and Company. I shop at Rainbow and Its Fashion for my accessories, sandles and heels, and anywhere that has a good sale. When I do my Easter Shopping I stick with the traditional pastel colors to keep the Easter tradition.For the past couple of years my family has been dressing more casual than formal. Dressing casual helps you stay comfortable,you can find something if you are a last minute shopper,you can save more money and still look nice.

I enjoy doing arts and crafts with my two year old and she also likes painting, coloring,and putting things together. I want to hone her creativity so I can see where it takes her in life. If you have read my older blog Investing In Your Children yo…

I enjoy doing arts and crafts with my two year old and she also likes painting, coloring,and putting things together. I want to hone her creativity so I can see where it takes her in life.

If you have read my older blog Investing In Your Children you know that I’m passionate about that. I’m planning on decorating some Easter eggs with my two year old hiding them, and letting her find them. This will be fun because I get to see how she creates her own eggs, find the eggs and count them.I learn alot about her by watching her play. I like to purchase the easter basket and stuff it myself with goodies that I know my two year old would love,this makes it more personal.

I've share with you my Spring Bling Bucket list, Do you have any plans to welcome in Spring? Drop down in the comment session and share. Like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Subscribe to my channel Blogwithaprilhaynesworth. Please read my other stories on this site. Thanks 😃


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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