My Morning Routine Goes a Little Something Like This..

During the week I have an early start. I struggle getting up in the mornings because I have to get myself and my two year old dressed and ready. Sometimes my two year old does not like to cooperate with me because she is tired from going to bed late. Parents you know the struggle is real especially when you're trying to get out of the house on time.

I want to share with you a glimpse of my morning routine:

My first alarm goes off at 5:30, I just lay there because I can’t jump up and start moving because I’m still tired from the night before. My second alarm goes off at 5:40 and I don't get out of the bed until 5:45. When I finally get out of the bed. …

My first alarm goes off at 5:30, I just lay there because I can’t jump up and start moving because I’m still tired from the night before. My second alarm goes off at 5:40 and I don't get out of the bed until 5:45. When I finally get out of the bed. I go into the bathroom and say my prayers. I start thinking about what I need to do that day. I recite the 23 psalm.and I speak positive affirmations over myself and my family.

6:20- I turn on the tv to watch the local news and I wake up my husband and my two year old. We say our prayers, and I start  to get my two year old clean, I brush her teeth and I get her dress. I do all of this in less than 20 minutes.

6:20- I turn on the tv to watch the local news and I wake up my husband and my two year old. We say our prayers, and I start to get my two year old clean, I brush her teeth and I get her dress. I do all of this in less than 20 minutes.

6:40- My two year old and I are dressed and ready . I fix some cereal, fruit or whatever convenient.We give each other kisses and I’m off to work and she  goes to her grandparents house for the day.

6:40- My two year old and I are dressed and ready . I fix some cereal, fruit or whatever convenient.We give each other kisses and I’m off to work and she goes to her grandparents house for the day.

6:50-7:50  I’m enjoying my commute to work, I get to have some me time,I  get to think about what I need to do and I get to reflect on some things. During my drive I’m listening to inspirational music to get me in the right attitude and head space t…

6:50-7:50 I’m enjoying my commute to work, I get to have some me time,I get to think about what I need to do and I get to reflect on some things. During my drive I’m listening to inspirational music to get me in the right attitude and head space to work with my students and co workers because I"m not the ultimate morning person.

8:00- My work day has officially started,I’m at work in my classroom and doing one of the things I do the  best which is teaching.This is how my morning routines goes throughout the week except for the weekends. The only difference about the weekend…

8:00- My work day has officially started,I’m at work in my classroom and doing one of the things I do the best which is teaching.

This is how my morning routines goes throughout the week except for the weekends. The only difference about the weekends is that I sleep in later.

Drop down in the comment section and tell me about your morning routine, let’s see if we have the same routine in common. Like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Subscribe to my youtube channelBlogwithaprilhaynesworth. Please read my other stories on this site. Thanks for reading 😄


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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