Motherless On Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day.. Sometimes this time of year can be a little salty if you lost a morher, grandmother or mother like figure. It is important that you give yourself the extra boost and surround yourself around great company that is going to help you to get through this weekend.

Whether you lost your mom 1 year or 10 years ago, Mother's Day can be hard to celebrate.Pictured above in the left was my dear momma. She passed away in October 2013, and I still think about her often.

Celebrating Mother's Day has become a little bit easier since I have a daughter of my own. My little girl keeps me full of joy and I allow her to pour all of her love into me.

Life has taught me to celebrate myself often, my mom taught me not to wait on anyone to make me happy, but make things happen for yourself.

If you lost your mom, I want to encourage you to get up, get dressed, put on your favorite perfume or Cologne and be intentional about enjoying your day. Hopefully these quotes will help you get through your day. Thanks for stopping by, feel free to check out the other stories on my website and follow me in my socials so we can stay connected 😊


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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