Brands Surviving Inflation

When inflation is high, consumers have more to spend on goods and services leading to increased profits for companies.

Things big brands do to stay afloat the pandemic

  • Brands implement cost saving measures such as bulk discounts or loyalty programs.

  • Brands restructure their loans, obtain new lines of credit and maintain enough cushion.

  • Brands keep morale high and prevent attrition.

  • Brands go beyond learning about their immediate supplier and so on

  • Brands develop alternative sources of supply and keep sufficient inventory.

Profiting brands consider leaving room for growth and profitability. They understand the customer's ability to pay.

Businesses that are doing well in the recession are

  • Banks

  • Insurance Cimpanies

  • Brokerage firms

  • Money Managers

Growing Industries To Invest In 2024

  • E-commerce- selling products online providing subscription- based services

  • Online Education- build a course, seminar or tutorial

  • Travel and Tourism- there is a growing demand from people looking to explore new regions or cultures.

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Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I'm a Mental Health Counselor My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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