Culture Shift: Fashion, Music, Advertisement, and Businesses

In my humble opinion our culture is shifting due to recent  events such as  the outbreak of COVID, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and the presidential election just to name a few. These events are causing people to think and act differently, which…

In my humble opinion our culture is shifting due to recent events such as the outbreak of COVID, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and the presidential election just to name a few. These events are causing people to think and act differently, which may not necessarily be a bad thing. As the world continues to evolve things have to change, things can not always remain the same. I personally love evolution and some things need to get shaken up anyway for change and betterment to occur. In this post I will honor a few people that made an impact in our culture within this year, I know there are tons of people that has made a change locally and nationally and I celebrate those individuals as well. If you played a part in eradicating change you should be proud of yourself and continue to be the torch bearer in your community. I want to start off by celebrating small black businesses and the business owners who have put in their hardwork of providing services to the people in their community.

In this new movement black businesses will be able to thrive and create jobs for more people to slow down the rate of unemployment. Peaceful protest can bring about new laws and changes that will help the minority to thrive  in their community. Thi…

In this new movement black businesses will be able to thrive and create jobs for more people to slow down the rate of unemployment. Peaceful protest can bring about new laws and changes that will help the minority to thrive in their community. This pandemic and other social issues has allowed people to focus on their worth and what they can contribute to our society whether it's a person starting their own business ora person becoming more involved with change. Speaking of change I will like to highlight a few of my faves that has contributed to change and our culture they are:

Bravo RHOA cast,Porsha Williams has spoken up and took a stand against social injustice, she has used her platform to speak up for what she has believe in and she  is keeping  the legacy of her grandfather Hosea Williams, a freedom fighter who march…

Bravo RHOA cast,Porsha Williams has spoken up and took a stand against social injustice, she has used her platform to speak up for what she has believe in and she is keeping the legacy of her grandfather Hosea Williams, a freedom fighter who marched alongside Martin Luther King Jr. She has protested and spoke out against Breonna Taylor, who was fatallty killed in her home in Louisville, Kentucky.

Bravo, RHOA Cast Marlo Hampton Another T.V. personality ( shown above) is using her  platform to speak out on racial injustices she is shown a doing  public service announcement to promote Black Lives Matter. Marlo is now raising her nephews and she…

Bravo, RHOA Cast Marlo Hampton

Another T.V. personality ( shown above) is using her platform to speak out on racial injustices she is shown a doing public service announcement to promote Black Lives Matter. Marlo is now raising her nephews and she is educating them on how to respond to officers if they were to ever get pulled over by an officer which is a main concern in the African American community.

Recently, I joined a Facebook group Black Dollars International. This group is comprised of business owners, consultants,rising social media influencers and bloggers like myself who is looking to grow their business and to increase their followers, …

Recently, I joined a Facebook group Black Dollars International. This group is comprised of business owners, consultants,rising social media influencers and bloggers like myself who is looking to grow their business and to increase their followers, and to network. I’m enjoying the support, engagement and the encouragement from the other members of the group. If you are a member of this group, shout out and much blessings.❤

Do you think music is going to change how we view and see our society? Music and television does have an impact on our views and how we perceive things. Some music artists use their platform to speak up against social  injustice and they educate the…

Do you think music is going to change how we view and see our society? Music and television does have an impact on our views and how we perceive things. Some music artists use their platform to speak up against social injustice and they educate their followers about ways they can help to bring about change.

We Can't Breathe has become a coalition. We can donate to the cause and learn more from visiting Commercials and PSA announcements are tailored around voting, and peaceful protesting.

We Can't Breathe has become a coalition. We can donate to the cause and learn more from visiting Commercials and PSA announcements are tailored around voting, and peaceful protesting.

Fashion has definitely made a statement.  Protestors are wearing Black Lives Matter shirts as a form of expression. Some people have the Black Panther attire similar to what Beyonce wore in 2016 Superbowl halftime performance. Women are wearing thei…

Fashion has definitely made a statement. Protestors are wearing Black Lives Matter shirts as a form of expression. Some people have the Black Panther attire similar to what Beyonce wore in 2016 Superbowl halftime performance. Women are wearing their natural look, braids, or pulled back hair. According to A powerful image can have a huge impact globally, especially when powerful messages are encrypted in our clothing.

Again, I can't believe our world is changing. Unfortunately, something good is coming out of the murder of George Floyd, R.I.P. I encourage you all to make a difference in your community whether it's big or small act. Tell me what you think about this topic, what are your views on our society and our culture I will love to hear thoughts. Drop it down in the comment section.

Thanks for reading, much love and I’ll talk to you soon.💛


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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