Juneteenth Freedom Day : Food, Customs and Movies
According to brittanica Juneteenth also called Emancipation Day or Independence Day. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States which is observed annually on June 19th.
According to the dailytexan.com there are many foods that commemorates the day Texas slaves were finally notified of their freedom..
Barbecue chicken such as: brisket, chicken wings, ribs, and porkchop.
Collard greens and sweet potatoes are grown during the time of slavery.
Red soda or anything else that is red symbolizes blood lost during the struggle for emancipation.
Tea cakes are a traditional part of the African American cuisine.
Watermelon and red soda water are the oldest traditional food on Juneteenth.
Juneteenth.com is a website that has various Juneteenth organizations and supporters . The website gives ample information about the holiday and the traditions. Due to COVID-19 alot of the celebrations may be limited or canceled. The good news is that we still can commemorate this special day by watching movies such as: Rosewood, The Hate U Give, Fruitvale Station, Just Mercy, Remember the Titan, Loving, Marshall, Hidden Figures, 13th, If Beale Street Can Talk,, 42, Selma. Mud bound, Detroit, 16 Shots and many more.
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