Color Me Pretty: How To Dye Your Hair At Home.

Ladies, Fall is in the air and it's time to bring in something new and fresh. Some of us want to do something different with our look. Why not start with your hair. Hairstyles are our expression and the right style can give us that extra boost of confidence that we need to slay. Dyes and bleached hair is definitely one of the top styles that women of all race and color is rocking. Dyed hair gives you that extra edge to your style. If you are on a budget like myself and you want to get the most out of your coins, I will share with you some safe and helpful tips on how to bleach your own hair. Disclaimer: I've retrieved these tips from Google search and YouTube. The video is embedded in this post . I advise you to seek a hair care professional for additional tips.

Start with dry unprocessed hair. Do not bleach your hair if it has been relaxed, chemically straightened or texturized. Bleaching is easier on shorter hair than longer hair.
  1. Start with dry unprocessed hair. Do not bleach your hair if it has been relaxed, chemically straightened or texturized. Bleaching is easier on shorter hair than longer hair.

2. Twist your hair into multiple rope braids if it's long. Divide your hair into at least eight sections first, then twist each section into two strand rope braids. If you have short hair, you don't need to twist it.

2. Twist your hair into multiple rope braids if it's long. Divide your hair into at least eight sections first, then twist each section into two strand rope braids. If you have short hair, you don't need to twist it.

3. Apply oil or petroleum jelly to your hairline. Be sure to apply it all along your hairline including the sides and back of your head. You could also apply some to the tips and edges of your ears as well. This  will help to protect your skin again…

3. Apply oil or petroleum jelly to your hairline. Be sure to apply it all along your hairline including the sides and back of your head. You could also apply some to the tips and edges of your ears as well. This will help to protect your skin against the bleach.

4. Pull on a pair of plastic gloves and a shirt that you don't care about or drape an old towel or plastic dyeing cape over your shoulders instead.

4. Pull on a pair of plastic gloves and a shirt that you don't care about or drape an old towel or plastic dyeing cape over your shoulders instead.

5. Measure your lightening powder and developer into a non metal bowl. You can buy these separately or a kit, but make sure that they both come from the same brand . If possible choose a powder and developer that is safe  to use on your scalp. Measu…

5. Measure your lightening powder and developer into a non metal bowl. You can buy these separately or a kit, but make sure that they both come from the same brand . If possible choose a powder and developer that is safe to use on your scalp. Measure out enough developer to saturate your hair like a mask. About four ounces of developer should be enough for shoulder length hair. Try a twenty volume developer it is safer and least damaging and will lighten your hair two levels at a slower rate.

6. Mix the powder and developer until they have a batter like consistency. You can do this with the handle of your tinting brush or with a plastic ( not metal) spoon. Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl often so that everything mixes evenly.

6. Mix the powder and developer until they have a batter like consistency. You can do this with the handle of your tinting brush or with a plastic ( not metal) spoon. Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl often so that everything mixes evenly.

Apply The BleachUndo your twist and pin the rest out of the way if needed.

Apply The Bleach

  1. Undo your twist and pin the rest out of the way if needed.

2. Set a timer to 30 minutes to kerp track of how long the bleach is in your hair. If you apply tbe bleach to all your hair, then start the timer, your hair may turn out uneven.  Double check the recommended time on your package. If it tells you not…

2. Set a timer to 30 minutes to kerp track of how long the bleach is in your hair. If you apply tbe bleach to all your hair, then start the timer, your hair may turn out uneven. Double check the recommended time on your package. If it tells you not to go over twenty five minutes, then set your timer for twenty minutes. If the timer goes off before you finish applying the bleach, you'll have to stop wash the bleach off, dry your hair then continue where you left.

3. Apply the bleach to your hair starting 1/2 inch from your roots. If you've never bleached your hair before, apply  it with a tinting brush all the way down to the ends of your hair. If you’ve lightened your hair in the past, then apply the bleach…

3. Apply the bleach to your hair starting 1/2 inch from your roots. If you've never bleached your hair before, apply it with a tinting brush all the way down to the ends of your hair. If you’ve lightened your hair in the past, then apply the bleach to wherever the lightened area starts.

4. Twist and clip your hair  out of the way, then repeat the process. Remember to leave 1/2 in gap between the bleach and your scalp You'll go back and do the roots later.

4. Twist and clip your hair out of the way, then repeat the process. Remember to leave 1/2 in gap between the bleach and your scalp You'll go back and do the roots later.

5. Apply the bleach to your edges, roots and any missed spots. ( you want to do this last, because they are close to your scalp and will process the fastest.)6..Wait for your timer to go off. Never leave bleach on longer than what is stated in the p…

5. Apply the bleach to your edges, roots and any missed spots. ( you want to do this last, because they are close to your scalp and will process the fastest.)

6..Wait for your timer to go off. Never leave bleach on longer than what is stated in the package, even if it's not light enough. If you leave it in long your hair may fall out.

7. Wash the bleach out with a neutralizing shampoo then let it dry. 8. Repeat the bleaching process if needed. Most people with dark colored hair will have to perform at least two bleaching sessions before they get the shade they want. It's best to …

7. Wash the bleach out with a neutralizing shampoo then let it dry.

8. Repeat the bleaching process if needed. Most people with dark colored hair will have to perform at least two bleaching sessions before they get the shade they want. It's best to wait until another two to three days before bleaching it again.

I personally like Blonde highlights, because it meshes well with my complexion, and it gives me the look that I want.

This is a recent photo of me with my blonde extensions. I am loving this color and this style. What I love most about this photo is I get to share with you guys how I’ve taken a risk to try something new and  different with my hair.I dare you to get…

This is a recent photo of me with my blonde extensions. I am loving this color and this style. What I love most about this photo is I get to share with you guys how I’ve taken a risk to try something new and different with my hair.

I dare you to get Fall Fine, take a risk try something new with your hair, you may grow to love it. Thank you so much for stopping by reading my blog. Continue to visit my page and follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. ❤


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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