Moving From Victimville Avenue
We're embarking on a new season. Many of us were waiting on an increase, breakthrough, and a come up. In order to move to the next level you must be ready for it. I see it time and time again that some people hold themselves back by succumbing to their past hurts, or failures. Some people allow themselves to be a victim of their past circumstances. If you are reading this and you are tired of being the victim while everyone else seens to be elevating and enjoying their life (even the person that mistreated you,) you're in tbe right place. I will like to help you move from victimville to your successful place. These steps has helped me to push through past failures and hurts that I didn’t deserve, now I'm sharing them with you .
Don't Look Back - This picture depicts me driving looking ahead and not looking back. My rearview mirror represents things that I’ve passed along my journey. You can’t go foward looking backwards. Imagine me looking back while I'm driving if I do that, I will crash and that will hinder me from getting to my destination. I suggest that you keep everything that is negative, unsuccessful, and hurtful in your rearview. Stop letting past events stagnate you and keep you in a rut. Life is made for you to evolve and enjoy. If it wasn't so, God wouldn’t said in the bible in John 10:10, “ I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
2. Learn From The Bad Experience - Something good can come from something bad. A lesson can be learned from the bad relationship or experiences that happened to you. Since you've been through those bad experiences, you’re more equipped ,and you know the signs to look out for if you’re faced with a similar situation. I'm grateful for all of my bad experiences because it made me wiser and stronger. I'm in a better place in my life mentally and I'm on my way to greater things.
3. Educate Others - When you surpass your pain or if you're still in the healing process, it's helpful to educate others who are going through what you’ve been through. It's healing for you and in turn you're helping someone else. Talking about your hurts, journaling and getting it out will help you to heal. Keeping it bottled in or pushing it under the rug will cause more damage in the long run. Do yourself some justice and share with others to help prevent them from possibly going through the pain you've experienced.
4. Try Something New, Step Out The Box- Think about something new you would like to do that is fun and and at the same time you get to keep your integrity. This year I’ve tried several new ventures such as: blogging/vlogging, starting my podcast, and now I'm an consultant for Total Life Changes. I sell healthy natural products that help people lose weight, feel and look their best. Starting these different ventures have brought more value to my life and the life of others connected to me. I'm learning new and exciting things on a daily basis. When I first started blogging/vlogging I was nervous because I wasn’t on social media like I am now and I was a little concern about what others think about my accent, my pictures and videos. I’ve been in the public eye now for 10 months and I'm getting use to the feedback and being in front of the camera. When you step out of your box it may seem weird at first but as you continue on with your endeavors the more comfortable you will become.
5. Think and Speak Positive- Positive thinking leads to positive speech then it turns into you doing great things.When a negative thought or idea arises, you must immediately cast down that thought. If you entertain that negative thought long enough you will eventually speak that thought. You don't want to give negativity life. Be aware of what you’re entertaining because that will be the thing that will drive your car whether it is positive or negative.
6. Forgive- Mark 11:25-” And whenever you stand praying, forgive if you have anything against anyone, so that your father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” In order to move out of victimville you must forgive the ones who hurt you and you must forgive yourself as well. Bitterness and unforgiveness is a weight, free yourself so you can pick up your luggage and move to tbe next avenue.
If these tips have helped you, share this advice with others. I would love to hear from you. What are your views on this topic feel free to share with us some additional tips on ways to move from being a victim to a victor. Thanks for stopping by, I'll chat with you later. 😊