The New You: Ways To Develop A Positive Mindset So You Can Invest In Your Health

Where the mind goes the man follows. If you want to do good things and be helpful for your family and community you must first see yourself doing so and believe you can. Everything starts with a thought before it can be manifested physically. If you…

Where the mind goes the man follows. If you want to do good things and be helpful for your family and community you must first see yourself doing so and believe you can. Everything starts with a thought before it can be manifested physically. If your thoughts are negative or if you have a defeated mindset, you will not be able to go to the next level in your life.

Beginning of this month, I decided to start a new journey in my life which is to become more healthier and to workout more.  I decided to do this because I was tired of having little energy, aching, and not having the mood to do some of the fun thin…

Beginning of this month, I decided to start a new journey in my life which is to become more healthier and to workout more. I decided to do this because I was tired of having little energy, aching, and not having the mood to do some of the fun things I like to do. I couldn’t enjoy my three year old after work because I was sluggish and down beat after work. One day my husband came home from work and gave me an Iaso Tea, and said, “ I think you should try this”. I took the tea thirty minutes prior to my meal . Three hours after drinking the tea, my body began to detox all of the food that was sitting in my intestines which made me felt sluggish and tired most of the time.

My husband and I decided to become independent consultants with the company Total Life Changes better known as TLC because the products are all natural and we've gotten results from using these products.We committed to being more healthier so we can be on earth a much longer o watch our children's milestones and to be a good example for them. Total Life Changes is comprised of people like my husband and I that want to live a healthy life, and want help people to reach their goals so they can live their best life. If it wasn't for my husband and his childhood classmate Lee Burgess ( A Total Life Changes Consultant) who gave my husband the Iaso Tea for us to try, I would not have embarked on such an amazing journey. I must say God is good, and he knows how to get you to the right people at the right time.

Total Life Changes  core values are to make sure our customers feel healthier, more energized and for the employees like myself to feel inspired. As a life style blogger my mission goes hand in hand with the core values of  this amazing company.  I’…

Total Life Changes core values are to make sure our customers feel healthier, more energized and for the employees like myself to feel inspired. As a life style blogger my mission goes hand in hand with the core values of this amazing company. I’m about to tell you about some of the products and the benefits you can get from using each product .

Each morning when I wake up prior to my breakfast I take a cap full of Nutraburst.  Nutraburst has vitamins A,C,D,E, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Folate, Biotin, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, and Potasium. Nutraburst helps clear your skin, it gives…

Each morning when I wake up prior to my breakfast I take a cap full of Nutraburst. Nutraburst has vitamins A,C,D,E, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Folate, Biotin, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, and Potasium. Nutraburst helps clear your skin, it gives your body the nutrients that you won't receive just by eating your regular meals. Nutraburst is equivalent to eating ten salads. Nutraburst is good for the entire family.

While  I eat my breakfast or any meal I take 1 NRG pill. NRG is designed to enhance energy, metabolize fat, and reduce hunger without the jitters or sudden energy burnout. It is designed to work as a high efficiency thermogenic fat burner. The ingre…

While I eat my breakfast or any meal I take 1 NRG pill. NRG is designed to enhance energy, metabolize fat, and reduce hunger without the jitters or sudden energy burnout. It is designed to work as a high efficiency thermogenic fat burner. The ingredients are chromium, vitamin B6, vitamin 12, advantra- z, magnesium, green tea extract, akg, choline bitartrate.

I drink my Iaso tea 30 minutes prior to my meal. Iaso tea helps with weight loss, weight management, it gives you a boost in energy, mental clarity, it helps improve your skin and it gently ckeanse your intestines and internal organs. Some other TLC…

I drink my Iaso tea 30 minutes prior to my meal. Iaso tea helps with weight loss, weight management, it gives you a boost in energy, mental clarity, it helps improve your skin and it gently ckeanse your intestines and internal organs. Some other TLC products that are not pictured are: vitamins, weight loss supplements, coffees, essential oils, and skin care products, which you can find on my link on Facebook. If you haven't already follow me on Facebook April Haynesworth. There you can have access to my link and see all the wonderful things I'm doing with this Total Life Changes.

Before you can embark on this amazing journey and invest in yourself you must firsr change your mindset. I will give you three tips on ways you can change your mindset and become the new you.

Think Optimistic- Try looking at things on the bright side instead of looking at it at face value. Bad things and situations that happens to you are subject to change for the better. When bad things happen to me I pray to God hoping that something g…
  1. Think Optimistic- Try looking at things on the bright side instead of looking at it at face value. Bad things and situations that happens to you are subject to change for the better. When bad things happen to me I pray to God hoping that something good will come out of the situation. Being optimistic and positive changes your mood which invite good things to come in your life. Stay hopeful and encourage others to do the same. Allow your optimism to be contagious.

2. Watch Out or Beware Who You Are Listening To.  Beware of who you're venting to and taking advice from. Everybody is not equipped to share wisdom. Some people give advice based on their personak experience not yours. Before using the advice someon…

2. Watch Out or Beware Who You Are Listening To. Beware of who you're venting to and taking advice from. Everybody is not equipped to share wisdom. Some people give advice based on their personak experience not yours. Before using the advice someone gives you, think about it thoroughly before you react and ask yourself How is this going to benefit me in the future?

3. Be Consistent: when you make up your mind about that you are going to change and be the new you, be consistent and stick to it. Since my husband and I started our new health journey, we used our products and we exercise daily, we hold each other …

3. Be Consistent: when you make up your mind about that you are going to change and be the new you, be consistent and stick to it. Since my husband and I started our new health journey, we used our products and we exercise daily, we hold each other accountable about the foods we’re eating, and the amount of water we're drinking. If you are taking these products you must drink lots and lots if water so the products can be effective.

In closing, if you want to lose weight, need more energy, get rid of your mid section, need a detox, want prettier skin or to have another stream of income, join my team, or purchase my all natural products. Fee free to contact me…

In closing, if you want to lose weight, need more energy, get rid of your mid section, need a detox, want prettier skin or to have another stream of income, join my team, or purchase my all natural products. Fee free to contact me . I’m becoming the new me, now its time to become the new you. Thanks for reading, I’ll chat with you soon.😊


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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