First Date Do's and Dont's.
It's fall and the holidays are approaching. Some of you are ready to step out and mingle. Nevertheless you should enjoy and have a carefree, no drama filled first date. I remember my first date fresh out of high-school. I was nervous and I said all the wrongs things, lol. Thank goodness for experience, and wisdom. I’m blessed to say that I don’t have to worry about that anymore, my last date in 2009 turned into many courtships and later a marriage. I want to share some first date do's and dont's that I’ve learned throughout my single days that will help you survive your first date and land many more dates with your idea person.
Do Not Bring Up A Past Relationship or Trash Talk Your Ex.
The purpose of a date is to enjoy the company of one another, have fun, learn and enjoy each other’s company. It's hard to do that when you are talking about an ex or your issues. You should treat a first date like an interview, you should be impressive and give the other person something positive and good to reflect on. If you are trying to get a second date, or build a friendship give your date something to work with, and leave those issues and past hurts in the past. My suggestion is if you’re not ready to let go of the past, do not attempt dating.
Do Not Criticize Your Date's Appearance To Their Face.
We all have our different taste and our preference of style. Personally I like for my husband to be well dressed, shaved, and neat, because I'm well dressed and stylish. One time, he sayed that he enhanced my style. I'll let him think so( lol). But nevertheless, if your date's fashions are sort of off, don’t hurt his or her feelings and allow that to overshadow the good time you could have on the date. After the date if you two hit it off and become serious, the dress code can be something the both of you can work on together.
Do Not Brag About How Much Money You Make.
It's okay to talk about money, business, stockmarkets, investments on your date. It shows that you are in tune with your financial stability, and your awareness of economics and the economy. On the other hand it seems tacky for you to brag about money, flaunting your dollar bills in your date's face or purposefully opening up your wallet or purse to show off your credit card, and money. This is the oldest trick in the book that is used to bait someone in, so I suggest you keep your money talk objective and tasteful.
Do Not Talk About Your Current Issues Or Struggles.
In the past I’ve been on dates that I learned more about my date's ex than I learned about my date. In my opinion if a person consistently talks about their ex, this clearly means that he or she has no closure and this can become a problem in the relationship as time progresses. As I mention before the first date should be a fun experience, not a trip down memory lane.
Ladies, Do Not Show All Of Your Goods
On your first date and meeting someone for the first time, you do not want to give off the wrong impression and send mix signals. On your first date keep it comfortable and cute. Do not over do it, your date attention should be on you not your assets. Remember Less Is More.
No Kissing and Sexual Intercourse
We all heard the statement that sex clouds your judgment which indeed is true. You want to keep a clear perspective about the person to know whether or not you want an ongoing relationship. Practice self control and set clear boundaries for your first date. Trust me it's okay and you will thank yourself later.
Do Ask The Person What Are You Looking For In A Relationship?
This is very important, so you won't waste your time trying to build a relationship that may not be going anywhere. Questions that I suggest you should ask are:
What you do for a living?
What do you enjoy doing?
What are some of your goals?
What is your religional beliefs?
End The Date Well
At the end of the of the date, thank the person for the good time. Offer a friendly gesture smile or hug. Showing gratitude leaves a good impression of you and may land you future dates.
Guys, these were helpful tips on a successful first date. If you have some tips you will like to share feel free to drop them in the comment section. I will be doing an audio version of this topic on my podcast April Chatz. You can find my podcast on Google Podcasts, Spotify. Anchor, Breaker, Overcast, PocketCasts, and RadioPublic. Thanks for stopping by, I'll chat with you later😊
Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I'm a Mental Health Counselor My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.