“ My Aspirations For The Year”
At the beginning of a new year instead of making New Year's Resolutions I come up with reasonable goals that I can keep. I don't like feeling like I fail at something so whatever I set out to do I work hard at trying to achieve it. Don't get me wrong somethings that I plan to achieve doesn't work out the way I want it to but something good always comes out of the effort I put into it.
I want to share with you three aspirations that I have set for myself this year they are: staying positive, putting objectives in place to fulfill my goal, and push past the fear and doubts.
Staying Positive-
I know we all heard the saying “ your attitude determines your altitude.” Alot of my success was fulfilled by me having a positive attitude. There are some days I feel like staying home from work because of the weather, or I did not get enough sleep. The way I push past my emotions is by saying my prayers and giving God thanks for sparing my life. After I say my prayers I feel a boost of motivation.I start looking at my day in a positive light. I begin to think about the things I’m going to do and how I’m going to succeed throughout the day.
Putting Objectives In Place To Fulfill My Goals-
In order for us to fulfill a major goal we must put objectives in place. For instance if you wanted to become a basketball player first you have to work out, practice and so forth. We can’t dive into greatness we have to take baby steps. I do this all the time, when I want to accomplish something I set objectives and small tasks. When I accomplish my first objective I move on to the next objective. When you master your objectives it gives you a sense of hope and it motivates you to keep going.
Pushing Past The Fear and Doubts
We all have fears but we don’t have to let fear get the best of us. I believe fear is a tool that the enemy uses to stop our greatness., so we must kick it in the butt and keep going.
One of my fears is public speaking. I'm a county girl with an accent and people tell me that all the time. Sometimes when I talk to people over the phone I’m self conscious of how I talk. Lately I’ve been embracing my accent and I know that I’m intelligent and my voice is God given and that's what makes me who I am. I will be 40 this year I’m enjoying life more. I’m accepting who I am and I'm ready to soar high. I want to wish you all much blessings and success this year if you haven't set any aspirations I encourage you so you can achieve your greatness.
I would love to hear from you tell us in the comments your aspirations or successes. Please like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril and follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for your support. I'll talk to you soon😊