“ Four Things I Can't Live Without”
Last night I was at home relaxing and chilling from a long week at work. I was reflecting and looking over my life and seeing how much I changed and grown throughout my lifetime.
Every so often I love to do self inventory to see what I need to change, let go and what I need to keep in my life. As I was thinking these are definitely the four things that I cannot live without they are: my debit card, my family, my hair extensions, and my bed and t.v.
Debit Card- My debit card is like my lifeline. I don't carry alot of cash. It's more convenient for me to use my debit card. I pay all of my bills over the phone or online, I swipe my card at the gas pump, and in stores. Cash app has really made it convenient I can send and receive money from my friends and family instead of giving them cash. Last but not least when I swipe my card I can keep a track of my spending by using online banking.
My Family- My family is important to me, I cherish their relationship because they are Godgiven and authentic. My husband helps me with my weaknesses and insecurity and he pushes me to be better. My children are fun. and loving and I can let my hair down around them and be myself. We as a family learn together, we take trips,and we talk about everything. They have become a major part of my growth and I enjoy them daily.
Hair Extensions- One of my hobbies is doing my own hair and trying different styles and colors. I usually do not wear my hair out because I'm trying to get it to grow more. In the meantime I play with different hair extensions because of the length and fullness, and I want to look good and feel confident.
My bed and tv- In my spare tine if I don’t have anything to do and I just want to clear my head and relax I watch t.v. in my bed. My bedroom is like my peace haven. I catch up on some rest and I binge watch my favorite shows. I like to feel refreshed and I like to get indulge in a good movie.I don't hang out much unless its work and family related so my bed and t.v. is my leisure.
I’ve shared with you my four things I can't live without, lets keep this conversation going, tell us in the comment section some of the things you csn’t live without.
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