I Love Coffee ☕️

Coffee Lovers It's That Time Of Year When We Can Intrigue Our Taste Buds and Enjoy Varieties Of Flavored Coffee. I Have Made Coffee My Favorite Treat. I Absolutely Love The Aroma It Gives And It Gives Me A Good Boost Of Energy.

Coffee is made from the berries harvested from species of Coffee plants. Coffee beans lose flavor the longer they are roasted.

If you are a mover and shaker how do you prepare your coffee? Do you use a Coffee Maker, Keurig Machine or a kettle? I own a coffee maker and Keurig to be honest I love to use my coffee pot the best.

How do you prefer your coffee? I like my coffee creamy with little sugar. When I stop at McDonald's for my small coffee I ask them to add 4 sugars and 5 creams, this gives it a good balance.

I love to use coffee mate liquid cream. My favorites that I’ve tried so far was the Caramel Macchiato, French Vanilla and The Original. Now that we’re in the holiday season, I will be trying some seasonal flavors as well. Any Suggestions?

What is your favorite brand of coffee? What makes each of these brands stand out? Can your taste buds differentiate between the different ingredients? As for me I’ve tried and love all these brands. I love experiencing different cuisines, also I make purchases based on the atmosphere,price, and customer service experience. Each one of these places provided great customer service and their products and prices are amazing

What do you eat with your coffee? Rather I'm stopping to buy coffee or I’m making it myself I'm eating something delicious to accompany it. Usually I'll eat a butter biscuit with jelly or a blueberry muffin. In my opinion these are the best combination with your coffee.

Thank you for stopping by. Let’s keep the conversation going. How do you prefer your coffee? What is your favorite brand? What do you eat with your coffee? Drop them down in the comment section. 👇🏾While you are here check out the other stories on the site and follow me in my socials☕️


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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