“ College Survival Kit”

I have a Bachelor's Degree fron Benedict College, I also have my Masters degree in Professional Counseling from South University. The years flew by for me in my undergraduate studies because there was never a dull moment . I pledged a sorority, I was a member of NGOMA, an African Dance Team, I was a member of an award winning gospel choir, and a member of the Honor's Program.

Being in these clubs and in a sorority allowed me to associate with my peers on campus and meet different people at other college campuses. I travelled and learned alot and at Benedict.

Even though I had lots of fun I stayed focus so I could maintain good grades. I knew that going to college was going to prepare me for the real world so I went in with the mindset of soaking it all in and allowing myself to make the best of my college experience. If you are attempting to attend college you need to have a plan in action from the first day you arrive to your chosen school until the day you graduate. These are some helpful tips that will help you survive and be successful as a college student they are:

Take Good Notes-

It’s not necessary to record or write down everything the professor is saying, only write down what he/she says is going to be on the quiz or test. It is important that you write down what the professor writes on the board because more than likely you will see it again.

Be Nice to your roommate, classmate, professor and treat them with respect-

Being nice works out well for you because you never know who you may need during your college matriculation and after you graduate. Some of the people I met in college became my good friends and often times I go to them for advice. I'm a believer that if you leave a good first impression with others they will remember that. You never know when you may cross paths or if you need a favor from someone.

Do not upset your professor, they play a part in your future and you may need them for a job reference or recommendation, so be mindful how you talk to your professor.

Take the initiative to meet new people-

This can be hard to do if you are shy but you can overcome this by taking baby steps. Several ways to help you come out of your shell is to have small talk with the person that sits next to you in class. You can join clubs that will help you build relationships with others .You don't have to befriend everyone you meet but it's good to make connections with two or three people.

Seek out job and internship opportunities-

In order to seek job opportunities you must talk to others such as: classmates, professors, or your dean. Going to SGA meetings and other student organizations meetings will put you in the know of who's who and what’s going on in the community, and on campus.As you walk on campus be on the lookout for posters or fliers which may post upcoming job or volunteer opportunities. Also utilize student services on your campus, they offer help with resume and portfolio building which is helpful in making you marketable. ( If you haven’t check out my post on “Being Marketable In 2020”.)

I have given you sone tips on how to survive college, these tips have helped me out as being the first in my immediate family to go to college. I want to encourage college student to get involved with your college community, don't be afraid to socialize, meet new people and be apart of a club or organization. I would love to hear from you, leave a comment and tell us some helpful things that got you through college successfully. Like my page Bloggingwithapril on Facebook. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for reading.


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


“ Four Things I Can't Live Without”


“ Being Marketable in 2020”