Are You An Emotional Eater?
I love snacking and trying different recipes. My problem is eating late at night and laying down immediately, and not getting as much exercise as I like. I have a hectic schedule which starts at 5:30 a.m in the morning and ends around midnight. I am a 4k teacher, a mother of a soon to be three year old and a wife. Throughout my day, I'm constantly on my feet , planning, teaching, doing chores, engaging with my family and somewhere in between trying to fit in some me time. When it comes down to eating, I do it when I have the time. With all my tasks and responsibilities I can become overwhelmed. I don't have an eating problem but I know people with the same issues as I often turns to food for comfort which can lead to health issues or other unwarranted problems.Today I want to offer assistance, because I want to see everyone happy and conquer their issues before it gets out of hand.
Emotional eating is a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions such as: stress, anger, fear, boredom, sadness, and loneliness.
Causes of Emotional Eating:
work stress
financial worries
relationship struggles
Signs of Emotional Eating:
Changing your eating habits when you have more stress in your life
Eating when you are not hungry or when you're full
Eating to avoid dealing with a stressful situation
Eating to soothe your feelings
Using food as a reward
Ways to Combat Emotional Eating:
Be aware of why you’re eating when you eat.
Maintain a food journal, and log what you eat before you eat it.
Find relaxation techniques
Use a grocery list to shop to eliminate buying excess food
Find something to do that you like when you feel bored or anxious
Before you eat: Ask yourself this question, Am I’m hungry right now or am I'm eating just to eat?
Drink water to detect if you’re hungry.
If you can’t control you’re eating and you're sad mostly all the time, there is a deeper issue, please seek help. Eating recovery offers virtual assistance as well as face to face treatment. You can contact them via email or phone 1-877-825-8584.
I pray this information was helpful, if you know anyone that is an emotional eater please feel free to share this post. Thank you so much for reading. I have an audio version of this topic on my podcast April Chatz which you can listen to on Anchor, Spotify,Google Podcasts, Breaker, Radio Public, and Overcast. Thanks again, I'll chat with you later.