Becoming A Content Creator

I've been creating content for three years, I must say this has been a fun and rewarding experience. Writing blogs, recording videos, doing interviews and capturing all of my moments allows me to relive those amazing experiences. Blogging allows me to release ideas that I want to get off my chest and I am helping others. If you're interested in being a content creator or you want to start your own blog, I'm going to share with you a few tips that you want to keep in mind throughout your content creating journey.

  1. Be Original - Be You, trust your own creativity. Don't be a copy cat. Social media is overly saturated with people looking the same, acting the same, and using the same lingo. Strive to bring a new flavor and uniqueness to your content. Believe it not, people will flock to you because of your originality, your style, and what “You” have to offer. Don't be afraid to step out of the box, you may be surprised of the lives you will be helping.

2. Connect With Others. If you want your traffic to grow and you want your voice to be heard you must connect with other podcastors or content creator. One way of growing your content is to be featured on other content creator's platform, to be featured in other sources of media i.e. t.v., radio, print ads etc. My purpose of starting my blog was to connect with others and to have a community of like minded individuals that I can give and receive ideas from and to help enhance the lives of others.

3. Perfect Your Craft/Learn About New Technology. A Content Creator must stay on top of what's trendy, new technologies,etc, in order to remain credible and relevant. Content Creators share information and educate. In order to fulfill that obligation we must stay abreast of what's going on in the community and in the world. The more you know the better your content will be. It doesn't hurt to learn how to operate the latest gadgets and software. If you have high quality content you will gain more followers and you will become attractive to big names in the content creation world.

Hopefully these tips were helpful, throughout your content creating journey, you will learn as you go along, you will figure out what works for you and what doesn't work. You will have good days and bad days too, if being a content creator is truly what you want to do, keep your purpose at the fore front. Best wishes to your journey ❤️

Thank You For Visiting My Site. What are your ideas , what are some things you have done to stand out as a content creator?. Drop down your response in the comment section. Feel Free To Check Out The Other Stories On The Site, And Follow Me On My Socials.❤️


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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