If I Had One Wish..

If I Had One Wish, and It Could Be Granted, I Would Move To Miami Florida. Currently, I live in South Carolina. South Carolina is not a bad state to live in if you like flat lands, trees, agriculture, and farms. The cost of living is cheaper and it's sort of slow paced. Alot of the businesses, restaurants and retails close no later than ten p.m. We do have a few 24 hour restaurants like Waffle House, and I-Hop, and gas stations .Most of the Super Walmarts stay open 24 hours as well.

Miami Florida is definitely the opposite of what I named above. Honestly I will like to relocate for a fresh start, to have distance from certain individuals that try to cause problems in my life due to my stance of wanting to live a drama-free God fearing life. I just want a change of atmosphere.

A change of scenery is always good. I love to travel and get out to explore different experiences. I visited Florida twice, I enjoyed every minute of my trip. I heard that Florida can be quite expensive but I'm here for the challenge. As long as I live in a decent neighborhood, I have a reliable transportation and my business is flourishing that's all I need, and I forgot to mention I want my daughter in a safe school environment where she is happy learning and thriving.

You guys might be thinking why Miami, why not Miami again I'll get to experience some amazing attractions, I'll be only 50 miles away from the Bahamas and away from troublesome individuals who they will remain nameless. This is my wish, maybe it will become a reality, I'm staying hopeful.😊

Thank you for stopping by, feel free to share in the comment section, if you had one wish what would it be? Please check out the other stories on my site and follow me on my socials. 😊


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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