Things I Learned in My 43 Years Of Life

I celebrated 43 years of my life on April 26th. We are experiencing living in this world of crime. injustice, poverty, mental and physical illness, I'm blessed and thankful that God graced me to live to see 43 and I’ve been able to cope and manage some of these issues that had affected me personally.

Growing up in the 80's allowed me to appreciate good morals, and manners. The way people treat one another has tremendously changed. I've once heard that there is nothing new under the sun. In my opinion children are much more exposed to the chaos because of the world wide web and social media. It's almost scary when people misuse information or when people are influenced negatively. Being alive 43 years has allowed me experience some adulthood not counting the years when I was a child and a teen. Life comes with lessons and everyone will experience life whether they want to or not. I will like to share with you 5 most important things that I learned in my 43 years of living.

  1. Learn From Your Mistakes. When you make mistakes, take notes, refect on where you went wrong and avoid making the same mistakes twice. Your lessons should be your blessings. Making the same mistake over and over is a waist of time.

2. Be Financially Responsible. Don't live above your means. Get what you can afford, have a budget, be knowledgeable of your earnings and expenses. Tithe your income and invest or put the rest in a savings. My parents taught me growing up to not spend everything that you have and to always save for a rainy day.

3. Choose Your Affiliations Wisely. Surround yourself around people who truly love you, don't try to fit in somewhere you don't belong.Trust your instinct and the gut feeling if you don't feel right about someone or something remove your situation. You are 1/5 of the individuals you're surrounded by so choose your friends wisely.

4. Take Care Of Yourself.. God wants us to love ourself as well as others. Pay attention to your body and don't overwhelm yourself and allow stressors of this world to do you in. Set boundaries, respect your body, exercise, eat healthy and seek after peace.

5. Affirm Yourself And Pray Daily. Speaking positive and praying has allowed me to push through obstacles to keep going when others laugh, and doubted me. Also prayer gave me the strength to look past my current struggles and when people did not cheer me on. Saying affirmations and praying gives you that extra boost and momentum.

Cherish life with your family and people God placed in your life. When you have a spirit of gratitude you can enjoy and receive the blessings God has in stored for you. In closing lessons can turn into blessings, so don’t get discouraged and keep going.

Thank you so much for stopping by, please check out the other stories on the site and follow me on my socials.❤️


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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