Work Out Fun
I decided to get in on the Planet Fitness Deal the beginning of January. I couldn't resist how much I can save on a gym membership. Also I like the fact of being a Black Card Member. Holding a Planet Fitness black card allows you access to the Hydro Massage lounge, massagechairs, cryo lounge, tanning beds, and you have access to any Planet Fitness in the world. With the Black Card can invite a guest to work out with you. My monthly fee as a Black Card Member is only $25. At Planet Fitness I can use The Total Body Enhancement, and the various other Fitness machines they have available.
On Friday, January 26th my husband assisted me with my workout. My focus was my arms and upper body. I didn’t do a full work out in over 6 months. This workout was much needed. My goal going foward is to workout twice a week. Below are some of the videos of my Friday evening workout.
This exercise will help me to strengthen my abs. I have a hard time controlling my core when I'm exercising. This exercise was tough for me to do but I pulled through.
These curlups helped strengthen my arm and chest muscles. I felt the burn in my arms, which indicated to me that I was doing the exercise correctly.
The Back Extend Exercise looked fun and easy,.This was one of my favorite exercise during my workout.
This looks easy, but I had a hard time. I really have to work on my upper body strength. I know the more I work out I will be able to push through with these exercises.
The thing I like the best about Planet Fitness are the massage chairs. After my workout I was able to massage my muscles and relax. I definitely recommend Planet Fitness if you're trying to stay in shape, burn some calories, or lose some inches. The beauty of it all is you can do it all on a budget.
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