Spiritual Rest

Spiritual rest is very important for your physical and mental health. Spiritual rest is casting all of your cares and worries on God and trusting God to handle your problems instead of you stressing and becoming ill due to you trying to fix or change things that you can't change.

Finding rest in God is not just merely sleeping or taking a nap, Rest in God means to get your mind off of your problems and current circumstances and trusting God to give you peace and strategy to overcome your problems.

Last year as I was shopping in Walmart, and as I was walking by the book section, I saw this cute women's devotional journal. I picked up the book and began flipping through the pages. As I was reading some of the quotes, I began answering some of the questions in my head. I thought to myself, this would be a great self development book to help with building up my faith.

Benefits Of Spiritual Rest:

  1. Decrease anxiety, fear, and stress

  2. Gain more energy

  3. Feel less depressed

  4. Feel more empowered

  5. Evoke positive thoughts

  6. Increase faith in God

These are eight quotes from the book that will help with you finding rest and looking at things from a positive point of view.

This quote helps me to see that when we do good deeds for others, we are doing God's will and he gets the glory.

In this fast pace society, we are so busy trying to be successful that we forget that when we die our soul is going somewhere. This quote is simply is saying that this earth is not our home.

When you show unconditionally love to your enemies instead of stooping to their level they will begin to see the God spirit in you, which eventually will force them to treat you differently.

I believe that everyone has some type of stress in their life, whether it's good or bad stress. It's how you manage your stress. It's good to have coping skills or a self care regimen that can help keep stress under control.

If you're afraid to take a risk, you won't gain anything different or new in your life. Sometimes you have to step out on faith, pray, plan and prepare.

Being alive is a gift and blessing from God. I don't take God's blessings for granted and neither should you. Practice giving God praises as a morning ritual. Someone out here have it worse than you, so be grateful.

In my opinion being grateful is the way to be. The more grateful you are the easier you get along with others, and you will develop more self love.

Designating a specific time of day to spend time with God allows you time to get in tune with your emotions and thoughts. God gives us strategy so it is important that we align with him.

Finding rest in God is very fulfilling. The more you spend time with God, the better you will become. Spending time with God and getting rest requires us to trust in God, and letting go of things we have no control over.

I enjoy flavored coffee so I find a little humor in this photo.

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Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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