S.C.E.C.A. Conference 2020

S.C.E.C.A. stands for South Carolina Early Childhood Association. The mission of SCECA is to enhance knowledge, advance evidence based practices and provide leadership to increase public understanding and support for policy that results in high quality early from birth to age eight in South Carolina.

As a SCECA member I am pleased to go to the SCECA conference annually to learn new updated information from other educators from South Carolina and other states. I feel knowledge is power and helps you to become better at your craft and it gives you the ability to change the lives of others around you.

If you are an educator or if you about to work in the early childhood field, I want to tell you about the benefits of attending a SCECA conference. They are: learning from other educators that are currently in early childhood or education, networking, and obtaining continuing education training hours.

Learning from other educators-

There are a host of presenters at the SCECA conference that talk about their experience and expertise in the field., they also share materials books and other literature that we can take back with us to our classroom.Alot of the presenters were form…

There are a host of presenters at the SCECA conference that talk about their experience and expertise in the field., they also share materials books and other literature that we can take back with us to our classroom.Alot of the presenters were former educators with first hand experience, they currently work in the field of education, or they are motivational speakers.In the workshops we are gaining new strategies to apply in our classroom, which is helpful for me. I’m the kind of teacher that likes to keep things fresh and new because I become bored easily. I want to keep a sense of excitement in the classroom for myself and the children.


For me the best part of attending SCECA is networking. At this conference there are teachers that attend from all over South Carolina. Networking keeps you in the loop of what’s going in the educational field , and you get to know who's who if you d…

For me the best part of attending SCECA is networking. At this conference there are teachers that attend from all over South Carolina. Networking keeps you in the loop of what’s going in the educational field , and you get to know who's who if you decide you want to further your education or move up in leadership. Also different organizations offer their services if you want them to speak at your school or if you need further training.

Ccontinuing Credit Hours-

DSS requires all childcare workers to obtain 15 credit hours annually. To obtain these hours you have to attend different trainings on topics such as: human growth and development, curriculum, health and safety, nutrition, guidance, etc.These topics…

DSS requires all childcare workers to obtain 15 credit hours annually. To obtain these hours you have to attend different trainings on topics such as: human growth and development, curriculum, health and safety, nutrition, guidance, etc.These topics teach about the different stages of development of the young child. The purpose of these trainings is to equip early childhood educators to help the child in the classroomon on these levels: emotionally, socially, mentally, and physically.

Last but not least I am so proud to announce that I am a 2020 SCECA Educational Grant winner. I won this award for writing a material grant for my classroom and center that is worth $1000.

My plan for writing the grant was to upgrade my science center and outdoor classroom area. I want my students to investigate and explore their environment with new materials, and I want them to build on with what they already know. As an early childhood educator I try to teach my students how to form their own opinions, use reasoning skills.,predict and form their own hypothesis. The new science and outdoor materials allow the children to do so.

All in all I feel good about what I’ve learned at SCECA, I’ve networked with other early childhood educators and administrators. I feel confident as a teacher and my students are benefiting from what I learned and the new materials we are getting,.

Drop down in the comment section tell us how an early childhood educator impacted your child’s life .If you have not already please like my page Bloggingwithapril on Facebook and Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for reading I’ll talk to you soon.🤗

SCECA Educational Grant Award

SCECA Educational Grant Award


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


Protecting Yourself From Negativity


New Motivation