S.C.E.C.A. Conference 2020
S.C.E.C.A. stands for South Carolina Early Childhood Association. The mission of SCECA is to enhance knowledge, advance evidence based practices and provide leadership to increase public understanding and support for policy that results in high quality early from birth to age eight in South Carolina.
As a SCECA member I am pleased to go to the SCECA conference annually to learn new updated information from other educators from South Carolina and other states. I feel knowledge is power and helps you to become better at your craft and it gives you the ability to change the lives of others around you.
If you are an educator or if you about to work in the early childhood field, I want to tell you about the benefits of attending a SCECA conference. They are: learning from other educators that are currently in early childhood or education, networking, and obtaining continuing education training hours.
Learning from other educators-