Protecting Yourself From Negativity

When it comes to negativity we should try to avoid it by any means necessary. Negativity can stifle your growth, slow you down, it can cause unhappiness, bitterness and you could become resentful. We should not allow negatuve people to bring out the worst in us, we are better than that.

We all owe it to ourselves, our children and important people in our lives to sustain positivity. To help us sustain positivity I came up with three strategies they are: Stop trying to fix and control others, Set Boundaries, and Stop Reacting to everything someone says about you.

Stop Trying to Fix and Control Others-

If you are from the country,  you have heard the saying, “ you can lead the horse to the water but you can’t make them drink”, and “ stop beating a dead horse” These are some cliche's about helping people who don't want to be helped. I think it’s in…

If you are from the country, you have heard the saying, “ you can lead the horse to the water but you can’t make them drink”, and “ stop beating a dead horse” These are some cliche's about helping people who don't want to be helped. I think it’s in us to want to help people who are less fortunate than we are. It's nothing wrong with helping people if they are taking an initiative in helping themselves.

When we help others we should not place high standards or project our standards onto them. When you project your standards on others you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Before you invest your time in helping someone you should ask yourself are they willing to change or get better. You definitely don't want to waste your time on dead weight.

Also when you are helping someone and you start to see signs of change, you should allow that person to make their own decisions , by doing so this will give them time to improve.

Set Boundaries-

It is important that you know your strengths and weaknesses. We should know what makes us happy, sad, angry, etc. Once you figure out your triggers you can control the outcome. For example, if going to a particular place or being around a particular…

It is important that you know your strengths and weaknesses. We should know what makes us happy, sad, angry, etc. Once you figure out your triggers you can control the outcome. For example, if going to a particular place or being around a particular person makes you feel unhappy , you should change or alter that thing. If its your job that cause you grief, you can come up with some helpful solutions that may work best for you and others before you decide to quit. It’s best that you try all your options before giving in and feeling miserable.

Stop reacting to everything someone says about you-

We have to stay positive and focus if we are going to succeed at anything. It's a distraction if you comment. think, obsess about negative stuff people is saying about you. A distraction is anything that keeps you from going foward. If a certain per…

We have to stay positive and focus if we are going to succeed at anything. It's a distraction if you comment. think, obsess about negative stuff people is saying about you. A distraction is anything that keeps you from going foward. If a certain person annoys you, try to come up with a resolution that will work best for the both of you. Sometimes this can be hard depending on the situation., just do the best you can to keep your peace, and allow everything else to fall in place.

Some things are not worth our precious time and our positivity. We owe it to ourselves to be peaceful and happy. Nothing good comes from bitterness and negativity. Don't allow others to take away your peace and hinder what you can become. Stay on top if it.

If there is anything you would like to share on ways to preserve your peace and protect yourself from negativity, drop down in the comment section., I would love to hear from you. If you have not already please like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril, Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for reading Talk to you soon.🤗


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I'm a Mental Health Counselor My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

McLeod Plantation: A look into history.


S.C.E.C.A. Conference 2020