Live Like There Is A Tomorrow

We all have heard the saying, “ Live This Day Like It's Your Last ” I'm going to spin the narrative and say Live Like There Is A Tomorrow. We should always plan and prepare just in case something unexpectedly happens. The older one gets the more wiser and responsible he/she becomes. I'm a firm believer that no one should take things for granted. We should embrace our opportunities, success and relationships with others, which brings me to these points I'm about to share

Block Out 30 to 45 minutes of your time to reflect and plan for the next day. Write out your priorities and put them on your schedule or your device as a daily reminder. I use Google calendar to keep me organized.

Do not overwhelm yourself. Delegate or prioritize so you can end your day less stressful. Don't be too hard on yourself when you didn't get everything done you wanted to do from your to do list.

Treat people kindly that you come into contact with you never know who you may need a favor from. Be careful that you're not burning bridges with people that you see and interact with on a regular basis. Be intentional about being courteous, showing kindness and displaying trustworthy behavior. Have integrity and don't make empty promises.

Save, and Invest. Don't spend all of your money on non trivial things such as gambling, excessive shopping, partying etc. Be wise and save on a rainy day to avoid financial distress

Relax and Create A Routine Nightly to ensure that your're getting the proper much needed rest. I try to end my day on a good note by reading a good book, speaking positive affirmations, stretching my muscles, preparing for the next day, saying my prayer and drinking some water.

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Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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