Ways To Look Expensive On A Budget

I'm not telling you to go out there and buy the expensive popular  brands: gucci, louis vuitton, chanel and prada to look elegant ( by the way I love these brands, but at the moment my budget won't allow me to make these purchases. You can look expensive and well polished by wearing H&M, Forever 21, Gap, and Old Navy. It's how you wear the clothing  that will help you pull off a certain look, not how much  money you spend on clothes.

I'm not telling you to go out there and buy the expensive popular brands: gucci, louis vuitton, chanel and prada to look elegant ( by the way I love these brands, but at the moment my budget won't allow me to make these purchases..You can look expensive and well polished by wearing H&M, Forever 21, Gap, and Old Navy. It's how you wear the clothing that will help you pull off a certain look, not how much money you spend on a particular brand.

There are things you can do to make your style stand out. Depending on the weather or season, you can accessorize your look with a scarf, brooch, baseball hat, earrings, belt, sunglasses, bracelet and watch. I will be sharing with you some tips to help you look expensive on a budget and to pull off the style you want to achieve.

There are things you can do to make your style stand out. Depending on the weather or season, you can accessorize your look with a scarf, brooch, baseball hat, earrings, belt, sunglasses, bracelet and watch. I will be sharing with you some tips to help you look expensive on a budget and to pull off the style you want to achieve.

A short beautiful  manicure looks elegant. I wear bright colors in the spring and summer months. I've noticed that my manicure last longer when they are short. Sometimes when I want to save money I use pressed on nails, they are already designed and come in different lengths. Also you can clean, file and paint your natural nails and use top coat so the color can last longer.

A short beautiful manicure looks elegant. I wear bright colors in the spring and summer. I've noticed that my manicure last longer when they are short. Sometimes when I want to save money I use pressed on nails, they are already designed and come in different lengths. Also you can clean, file and paint your natural nails and use top coat so the color can last longer.

I wear foundation everyday for coverage and to highlight my look. I use eye shadow, and eye liner to complete my look. Also I like the glam when I'm about to post pictures on social media or when I'm recording a video. You don’t have to look like a clown, but you need to make sure your makeup is well blended . I’m an ambassador for acushafishop their website is femiblossom.com, this company has great eye shadow pallets you can choose from to complete your glam.  Always remember a little goes a long way.

I wear foundation everyday for coverage and to highlight my look. I use eye shadow, and eye liner to complete my look. Also I like the glam when I'm about to post pictures on social media or when I'm recording a video. You don’t have to look like a clown, but you need to make sure your makeup is well blended . I’m an ambassador for acushafishop their website is femiblossom.com, this company has great eye shadow pallets you can choose from to complete your glam. Always remember a little goes a long way.

Ladies, there is no reason our hair should be a mess when we leave home. There are lots of different ways you can style your hair that is affordable and less time consuming. Personally I like wearing protective styles because I'm allowing time for my real hair to get healthy and I get to rock my favorite styles.  Depending on the kind of  wig I'm wearing it takes me only three minutes or less to install.

Ladies, there is no reason our hair should be a mess when we leave home. There are lots of different ways you can style your hair that is affordable and less time consuming. Personally I like wearing protective styles because I'm allowing time for my real hair to get healthy and I get to rock my favorite styles at the same time. Depending on the kind of wig I'm wearing it takes me only three minutes or less to install.

I think wigs are so convenient and they are  made to tailor your needs whether you have experience installing the wig or not. There are options in wearing a wig , you just need to know what wig works for you and the amount you want to spend on a wig.  A nice hair style can really enhance your look and make you look expensive.

I think wigs are so convenient and they are made to tailor your needs whether you have experience installing the wig or not. There are options in wearing a wig , you just need to know what wig works for you and the amount you want to spend on a wig. A nice hair style can really enhance your look and make you look expensive.

Experiment with different fabrics and styles. It's the fabric that makes the clothing pop. The right fabric can make you look elegant. Different fabric works great for different occasions. Fabrics such as silk, leather, cashmere wool, suede, linen, fur, cotton and satin are great materials. Like I mentioned earlier, you don’t have to spend a lot of money there are always great discounts at your favorite store. Some store brands offer imitation for a cheaper price that no one will question if you pair it tastefully with the right top or bottom and accessories.These are just a few tricks that I use to have a polished look, I don't go beyond my budget to look elegant. I believe in simplicity. Elegant people don’t over accessorize, wear too much makeup, or leave home with a bad hair do. Remember it's how you pull off your look that makes you look elegant not the amount of money you spend.

Experiment with different fabrics and styles. It's the fabric that makes the clothing pop. The right fabric can make you look elegant. Different fabric works great for different occasions. Fabrics such as silk, leather, cashmere wool, suede, linen, fur, cotton and satin are great materials. Like I mentioned earlier, you don’t have to spend a lot of money there are always great discounts at your favorite store. Some store brands offer imitation for a cheaper price that no one will question if you pair it tastefully with the right top or bottom and accessories.

These are just a few tricks that I use to have a polished look, I don't go beyond my budget to look elegant. I believe in simplicity. Elegant people don’t over accessorize, wear too much makeup, or leave home with a bad hair do. Remember it's how you pull off your look that makes you look elegant not the amount of money you spend.

Let's keep the conversation going, what are some things that you do to look elegant on a budget? Feel free to jot down your comments below in the comment section.  Also feel free to check out the other posts on the site. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for stopping by until next time, “ Be Elegant” 😊

Let's keep the conversation going, what are some things that you do to look elegant on a budget? Feel free to jot down your comments below in the comment section. Also feel free to check out the other posts on the site. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for stopping by until next time, “ Be Elegant” 😊

This is me getting glammed for my pre school class graduation ceremony. I wanted to add some finishing touches to my look. This is an example of looking well polished on a budget.


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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