Great Alone Time Activities
Sometimes being alone is what we need to de- stress, strategize and to figure out our next move and plans to move foward. I like spending time by myself it gives me time to think, get caught up on some self love, focus and to get away from negativity. The more I spend time to myself the more I become in tune with my thoughts, my body and my actions. The problem we have in society is that people are afraid to be alone. I want to help break the stigma that you need to be around a crowd to entertain yourself, you can have the same amount of fun by yourself and you can get some peace and relaxation at the same time. These are a several things you can do alone, I promise that you will enjoy these things once you step out of your comfort zone and try them.
Take a walk in the park, walking alone gives you time to take in nature and be appreciative of the finer things in life. Walking alone gives you time to clear your head and take in some fresh air. In addition to getting some fresh air you're getting in some great cardio.
Retail Therapy is a great activity that I love doing alone, this gives me time to browse, and to take my time to get everything I need or want. When I do clothes shopping I look for great deals, I may go to various stores before I make a decision. I said that to say this, I’m relieving stress, I’m tapping into my creative side by choosing the look that's going to make a good impression. Other great benefits of retail therapy is: it can help you to celebrate an occasion, it releases dopamine to make you happy.
Reading builds mental stimulation, it expands your memory, improves analytical thinking skills, improves concentration, helps with better writing skills, and it helps to build your vocabulary. Reading in general brings me a sense of calmness, relaxation, and happiness. Reading is a great hobby if you're bored and don’t have anything to do.
Going to the gym alone allows you time to focus on your own goal and to work at your own pace. Going to the gym can be a fun leisure if you're not under any pressure to perform or compete against someone else. You can still get a good workout and feel good about your accomplishments if you do it solo.
I love sitting outside with a nice meal if the weather and the environment is nice. When I was younger my favorite place to eat outdoors was Checkers. They are known for their burgers, fries, and milkshakes. I loved watching the people and cars go, and at the same time I'm getting my Vitamin D which is great for your skin, health, and it helps to enhance your mood.
Go to the spa and get pampered. A great massage can help alleviate aches and pain. If you ever got pampered you know it helps you get a good night's rest, and it enhaces your mood. Going to the spa alone gives you time to relax and visualize. Everyone needs to be pampered and incorporate self care in their daily regiment.
These are just a few things you can do on your own, try to incorporate at least one of these activities once a week, you'll begin to see the difference in your mood, confidence, you will be begin to love spending time by yourself and ultimately you will enjoy life a little better. If you haven't please check out my other post on “ Stop Forgetting About Yourself”. I think self love and self care is important that's why I will be writing more blogs on this topic, so stay posted.
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