Habits I Had To Unlearn

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Hi everyone, as I was doing some self reflection and thinking about my life overall, I’m glad to announce that I'm pleased with my growth and the insight, knowledge and wisdom that I've gained throughout the years. Y’all growth is a beautiful thing , I’m loving the evolution. In life we should be evolving, but in order to do so we must unlearn habits that is keeping us from moving foward. In this post I want to share with you some things that were holding me back from being the best version of myself.

  1. Being Inpulsuve, Not Thinking Things Through Before Reacting. Reacting before thinking things through can be very problematic. Many mistakes can be avoided if you allow yourself time to sort things through, weigh the pros and cons and think about the end result. Any decision I choose to make I give it some thought and I pray to God to make the best decision and to have good outcomes.

  2. Comparing Your Success and Progress With Others. I’ve learned that when you compare your progress with others, you will begin to unappreciate the process and that is when doubt will set in. Doubt and lack of confidence of your ability will prohibit you from moving foward. Momentum and faith is all we have to stay in the game to finish the assignment. If you are having a hard time with comparing yourself with others, unplug from social media, fine tune your thinking, tune out the noise, keep pushing and stay grinding. This is what I have to do to continue doing the things I want to do in life. I tell myself that I’m unique and worthy inspite of the views I get and money I make..

  3. Being Passive. I use to think if I stayed away from controversy, remain quiet and not ruffle any feathers everything will be o.k. and all will end well. I’ve learned that is not always the case, in some situations in most cases being passive perpetuates the issue. I’ve learned by being assertive and with the right strategy issues can resolved and you will have a better outcome.

  4. Caring What Others Think Of Me. This can be hard especially if you genuinely want everybody to like you. In order to feel unbothered you have to gain tough skin, become more confident and inquire self love. It all starts with self. If you don’t love yourself it will be hard to feel loved by others. In the line of work I do and giving back and helping others I try to keep my focus on my why and God's vision for my life to stay balanced and on track.

In closing some sources may say it may take 28 days to break a habit depending on the person's will power to change. The easier way to break a habit is to replace that thing you are trying to get rid of with something new or different.

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Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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