My guilty pleasure: Reality TV

Hello I wanted to stop by and have some fun today and talk about my guilty pleasure, “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” I’ve been watching this show since Season 1 now the show is on Season 12.

It comes on Sundays on Bravo at the show comes on I’m front row and centered. My husband looks at me and say, “April, its not that serious.”. I m a true fan of the show. I’m subscribed to several Atlanta Housewives fan pages and is ran by blogger/vlogger Michelle ATlien Brown. She has good content if you like the latest news about the housewives and other celebrities.I would be remiss if I didm’t say that she has a youtube channel where she review the show on Sunday nights.

I like watching Housewives of Atlanta for several reasons they are: I like to see what fashions they are wearing, what types of parties they are hosting,and I like to see how they are bonding with each other.The show is suppose to be about sisterhood, building their brand and businesses and just being fabulous.These women are putting alot of their time and money just to be on the show.

They have to be camera ready. Their hair., clothes and makeup must be on point. Bravo cameras are in their homes so they have to make sure their furniture, appliances, and decor is tasteful for filming.Let’s not forget, they must ride in style., their cars must be top of the line.

Since I’m invested in this show,I went a step further and did some research on what it takes for them to be a housewife. Before they can get on the show, they must be a friend to someone who is already on the show, they must be an entrepreneur, a socialite or hold a prestigious title in Atlanta. After they are accepted on the show as a peach holder( cast on the show) or friend of the show they must come up with a story line. At that point they are under a contract.

They have to attend all mandatory filming, they must be transparent about their life, they must be willing to answer questions in their confessionals, they must be willing to confront issues that arise with other castmates on the air and they must participate in the reunion show. I also learned that these women are getting paid thousands or millions a season.

I just wanted to stop by and shed some light about my favorite show and what I subscribed to on my free time. Let’s keep this going, drop down in the comments and share your favorite reality show. Please follow me Bloggingwitbapril on Instagram, Twitter,and like my page on Facebook Bloggingwithapril.

Talk to you soon.😊


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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