Young Entrepreneurs

Hi, would you agree with me when I say being a young entrepreneur is pretty dope. Being an entrepreneur affords you the opportunity to be your own boss, to support a financial need, or have financial gain, and most importantly to leave back a great legacy for your family.

When I was a teen I looked up to Angela and Vanessa Simmons from the reality show, Run's House. I was inspired because they made money in their sleep at such a young age. I also admired their hustle and their work ethics.

As a child growing up in Kingstree, South Carolina I looked up to the small business owners. I loved the idea of making my own money and not depending on other people for a hand out. As I grew older I knew I wanted to become an entrepreneur. When I graduated from high school I went to college to become an educator, but as time went on I saw being an entrepreneur more attractive because I’m able to control my own financial outcome.

In my undergrad studies I took business courses which gave me knowledge on how to start and run a business from ground up. These are the things I learned in my business and economics class:

  • Choose Your Brand,

  • What Is Your Why?

  • Who Is your target?

  • What’s The Demand in That Community In Which You Are Targeting, Who Will Profit From Your Merchandise?

  • Do You Want A Storefront or Online Business?

This weekend I had the pleasure of speaking to a young entrepreneur, Derrick Prince, his business idea started from a course he took in high school in which he had to create a mock business. He went the extra mile and created a clothing brand call B.R.A.V.E. which stands for Being Resilient Against Visual Enemies. He wanted to bring awareness about bullying and to empower his peers to take a stand against bullying. Below is a short clip of our one on one interview at his launch party. To learn more about his brand and to purchase his merchandise follow him on Facebook Bravebranded. I will love to hear from you in the comment section. What are your thoughts on starting a business at a young age? What are some tips you can give a teen who wants to start their own business? Follow me on Instagram and Twitter BloggingwithApril. Subscribe to my YouTube channel Bkoggingwithapril. It’s been a pleasure thanks for stopping by and come back to visit 😀


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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