“Fri-Yay”Funners: How to kick off your weekend.
We don't have to be in the blues on the weekend because we can’t take our vacations or go to parties. I figure since we are in the home anyway, why not capitalize off of it and bring the fun to our homes. If you have been doing this all along kudos to you. For the ones who need a little help, I got you covered.
Go for a drive for no apparent reason. It feels good just to leave your house and sight see in your car. Early this week my daughter and I got dressed and we went for a 30 minute ride. It was refreshing for me. My daughter was happy to leave home as well, she rode in her carseat bobbing her head to the music with her shoes kicked off.
According to self.com getting out and getting some sun helps you have a better mood, deeper sleep, lower blood pressure and reduced risk of some cancers.
Create your favorite playlist to listen to when you need a pick me upper. Music changes your mood and listening to good music can get you motivated to do a task that you were dreading to do. You can use apps such as : spotify, YouTube, pandora, Amazon ( if you're an amazon prime member).
It's Friday the start of the weekend. Tonight is a great night to watch some funny or classic throwbacks to get your mind off your work week and to give yourself and your family a break. Some of my favorite throwbacks are: Friday, Beetlejuice, Barbershop, Fast and Furious, Stomp the Yard and Lean On Me just to name a few.
Order some pizza or your favorite food, do absolutely no cooking, it's the weekend. Use this night to eat junk food, or your favorites. Its o.k. to live a little so take a break and loosen up and enjoy yourself and be merry.
Revisit an old hobby. Think about what brought you joy but you had to put it on hold due to family or work obligations. Since most of us are in quarantine this is a great time to pick back up on a hobby which will bring you enjoyment and fulfillment.
One of my hobbies was baking homemade treats. I got away from it due to work and being a new first time mom. I had to figure out how to balance my time and take care of the baby. Now two years later and with the quarantine I have started back baking and my two year old helps me by mixing and spreading the batter, and putting the sprinkles on the cake.
What are you doing to celebrate the weekend and get recharged? I charge each of you going foward to do some “ Fun-Friyay activities with your family to take the load off.
If this was helpful, please share this post. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll talk to you soon.
- April 🙂