The New Norm: Living in the Corona.

Our lives has shifted drastically since March. It was like yesterday that I brought in 2020 looking foward to new endeavors, travelling, and blogging. Now it seems like things has taken an halt. I went from commuting to work to teach to working from home and interacting with my students via youtube and text messages.

The new norm is to not leave your home without a facemask. The facemask has also become fashionable within the last couple of weeks. When I leave home, I see people driving, shopping, and interacting  with others with their face mask on. And let me …

The new norm is to not leave your home without a facemask. The facemask has also become fashionable within the last couple of weeks. When I leave home, I see people driving, shopping, and interacting with others with their face mask on.

And let me not to forget to mention that Facebook is flooded with various styles of facemask. I would like to give a special shoutout to my brother Kinder Burgess Jr. whom is photographed in the above picture with his designer facemask.

My bedtime regimen has changed tremendously. Prior to the pandemic I would be asleep by midnight. Now I’m wide awake and up past 1:00 in the morning . I awake between the hours of 10 and 11 a.m. I start my daily activities and work around noon.

My bedtime regimen has changed tremendously. Prior to the pandemic I would be asleep by midnight. Now I’m wide awake and up past 1:00 in the morning . I awake between the hours of 10 and 11 a.m. I start my daily activities and work around noon.

I'm a church girl and going to church was my biggest outlet so I use to look forward to going on Sundays. Church has given me a sense of relief and refreshment. Since the outbreak I’ve been live streaming and watching church sermons on YouTube.

I'm a church girl and going to church was my biggest outlet so I use to look forward to going on Sundays. Church has given me a sense of relief and refreshment. Since the outbreak I’ve been live streaming and watching church sermons on YouTube.

My shopping experience is not the same either. It feels awkward shopping for clothing  and accessories now that everything is shut down, unless you're doing online shopping. The only reason to shop now is for essentials. Now that I shared my new nor…

My shopping experience is not the same either. It feels awkward shopping for clothing and accessories now that everything is shut down, unless you're doing online shopping. The only reason to shop now is for essentials.

Now that I shared my new norm, I would love to hear how you've been coping during this pandemic. Drop down in the comment section and share some of your new norm.

Thanks for stopping by and dont forget to comment.❤


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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