Adulting Tips

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Let's be real, adulting can be hard, complex and uncomfortable. No rule book comes with being an adult, just experiences. Experience is the best teacher. No one person has the same experience. Adulting is not age specific. Some people experience adulthood sooner than others. It depends on one's circumstances and life experiences. One thing for sure, everyone of us will experience adulting if we continue to live. So ready or not here adulting comes . I love to offer some tips and encouragement that I learned along the way from my experiences in being a married adult with children.

Manage Your Money, Don’t Over Obligate Yourselves.. Your credit score matters and you want to refrain from living beyond your means. I’ve learned everything that glitters is not gold, and sometimes it's best to use patience before making decisions you will regret as it relates to your finances.

Plan And Use Your Time Wisely. Planning plus prayer prevents destruction. Planning allows you time to think, put proper things in place and be better prepared. Taking preventative measures can decrease alot of drama and unwanted outcomes.

Surround Yourself Around Winners people who are like-minded and who will help you to be better. Check out my old post “ Important People You Need In Your Circle”

Engage in Self-Care/Self-love regularly. Self-Care is vital and it helps you to improve your relationship with others and it helps you to love yourself better. Self-Care can be simple as watching your favorite movie, doing a mindless activity, exercising and speaking positive self talk.

Last but not least. Never stop believing in yourself and dreaming. You are never too old to start a new venture, get your body back in shape or try a new style. Don’t pass something on for tomorrow what you can do for today. Every moment counts when an amazing opportunity comes your way take charge of it.

Adulting can be good experiences mixed with bad ones. Our job is to make sure the good outweighs the bad. Keep your head up. You got this!!! Let's stay connected. Follow me on my socials and check out the other stories on this site. Thanks for stopping by.


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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