Hello Summer

Summer is officially here, my first day of summer was rainy. That morning it was storming pretty bad. I was on the way to a work training in which I had to be there at 9 a.m. I had a 50 mile commute via interstate. My intentions was to drive slowly. I left home early because I had to drop my daughter off at summer camp. I decided to go to Krispy Kream for a dozen of doughnut holes once I got to my city of destination. Below is the video I took in the parking lot at Krispy Kream.

Saturday the rain finally stopped, the weather was beautiful and the sun was shining. My daughter and I went for a ride and we did some light shopping. I took my daughter to 5 Below, (a store that has everything $5 or under) to pick out some toys and I bought me some snacks.

What I like the most about summer is the fun things to do outdoors. Summer is awesome if you love and engage in water sports. I personally can't swim but I like going to the beach and I love the swim wear fashions. I like going to Walmart to see all of the summer paraphernalia and outdoor equipment to help people to enjoy their summer, vacation etc.

I'm from South Carolina our summer temperature average from the upper 60s to the mid 70s in the Low Country. Our tenperatute can reach more than 100 degrees. July is our hottest month of the year. Coastal areas in South Carolina are slightly cooler and our humidity is very high.

Things to do in the summer, just to name a few: play basketball, play volleyball, ride bikes, go swimming, hiking, etc. I love walking on trails, going to amusement parks, attending cookouts, going to parks in the summer. My family and I have taken the children to the beach, state park. Georgia Aquarian, World Of Coke, Disney World and some other adventures. My suggestion is if you can't afford to take your children on expensive vacations check to see what your city has to offer for free or reduced price for families and children. Every city should have programs that offers assistance for children and low income families. Also you can create experiences for your children even if you're on a tight budget. There are materials and supplies that you have in your home that you can create for your children. You can create your own water day in your yard. Some of the things you need is a water hose, some dish detergent to make some bubbles, a bubble machine if you have one, some music, snacks etc. Your experience is what you make it. At the end of the day it should be about having fun and engaging with the family.

Summer snacks are the best. I love fresh fruits, dairy, ice cream, popsicles and other foods that are summer friendly that helps with keeping the body cool. As mentioned before summer is great for enjoying the outdoors. When planning your outdoor adventures, keep in mind that you want to eat light and refrain from lots of heavy food that will have your body working harder to digest the food, which in my opinion will have you feeling much hotter and sluggish.

Stay Hydrated in these hot summer months. Ways you can stay hydrated is to invest in a fun or fancy water bottle, drink a glass of water before each meal.

Ways to ensure you are drinking enough water and to make water drinking more fun are:

  • Invest In A Fun Fancy Water Bottle

  • Check The Color Of Your Urine

  • Focus On Your Body's Signals

  • Drink A Glass of Water Before Each Meal To Help You To Stay Hydrated

  • You Need To Drink Even More Water If You Exercise, Sweat, Or Have An Illness

  • Drink A Glass Of Water First Thing In The Morning

  • Use Alarms Or Notifications To Your Advantage

  • Add Calorie - Free Flavoring- Try fruit or vegetable infusions in your water to make it more appealing.

  • Swamp high sugar drinks for sparkling water( cut back on unnecessary sugar)

  • Set A water goal to help you stay motivated.

  • Make it a challenge, ask friends/ family to join you in a water challenge to see who meets their goal.

In closing, I wish everyone to have a happy, safe summer. Stay hydrated, enjoy the outdoors if the weather permits.

Thank you for reading my blog, please check out the other stories on the site and follow me on my socials, until next time, Happy Summer ☀️


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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