Reasons To Celebrate Juneteenth

Juneteenth has become one of the most popular holidays in black culture. In 1865 General Granger announced to the Texas Uniom Soldiers that the Civil War was over and all enslaved persons had been declared free.

The African American community gather together to celebrate Juneteenth in festivals, arts, programs, education etc. During slavery, Africans celebrated by playing drums, dancing, singing and laughing, and having ceemonies .These traditions still carry on to this present day.

Juneteenth is when we celebrate Black Pride, finding strength and peace in one another. Families and communities can come together through music, food, dance, etc.

The red, while and blue represents the American flag, a reminder that slaves and their descendants were and are Americans.

Eating red foods like red cakes, barbecue, punch, and fruit are Juneteenth traditions. The red color represents spiritual power and transformation.

The Juneteenth Arts are amazing, the expressions and colors are deeply enriched in the African American culture and the colors exemplify freedom and boldness. The colors represent the blood soil and prosperity of Africa and it's people.

A Juneteenth Holiday wouldn't be complete if there are no great movies to commemorate the day. There are host of documentaries and movies that educate and entertain. This year I'm looking foward to binge watching some great Juneteenth themed movies

Last but not least another great reason to celebrate Juneteenth is to partake in some great sales or if you're a business owner you can offer discounts on your services or products to commemorate Juneteenth. My all natural Liquid Matte and Lipshine products will be 50% off June 18th and 19th. Shop for my bold liquid matte and lipgloss.

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Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

Hello Summer


Emotional Intelligence