How Are You Going To Pop The Question?

Love is in the air, is it because it's the month of February and Valentine's Day is three days away. I say yes to all above. Why not consider making your relatiionship official on this special day. Valentine's Day is the day that lovers declare their love for one another. The flowers, balloons, stuff animals, love stories on t.v. and the chocolates makes it even more exciting.

If you're one of those individuals that is traditional and you want to cherish the essence of Valentine's Day and you're looking to propose to the love of your life your proposal should not be basic it should be meaningful for you and your significant other.

The place should be significant to a memory or event that you and your partner share. The proposal should be carefully thought out and tasteful. This day will mark the beginning of the beautiful ceremony you and your future spouse will share together.

When your're planning your proposal, think about how you want your significant other to feel and react when you pop the big question. A few tips to keep in mind are:

  • Get the perfect ring and keep it in a safe place

  • Practice your proposal speech, it should be organic, and personal

  • Prepare the place and backdrop

  • Talk to the parent or someone who is close to your future bride

    If you're having trouble coming up with your speech or you're nervous these are a few quotes you can study and tweak to use as your own.

Happy Love Day and Proposal to all the lovers, may your day be special and epic

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Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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