Top Five Ways To Make Money Online 💰

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Hi, earning money has become more nontraditional in a sense, not to give away my age but when I was in middle and high school all I use to hear was join the military or go to college so you can be successful. In this new wave and generation families are pushing their children into owning their own business or get certified in a skill. People are realizing including myself that we do not earn what we really worth and the harder a person work doesn’t neccesarily mean that they will earn lots of money. I believe the less you work the more money you make. Ownership affords you financial freedom, and more time to spend with your family and do the things you love. For inspiring entrepreneurs or for people who want to create another stream of income, l’ve come up with 5 ways you can make money online.


I've advertised for numerous wig companies since I've started blogging.To be an influencer you must be willing to promote and represent different brands. You have to be willing to test out their products and share your experience using the product. You need to take pictures with the product or record a video about the product to share on your social media. If you are not willing to do any of this being an influencer is not for you. In some cases you don’t get monetary exchange for your promotion you will get the free product instead. I recommend that you start off by accepting the free product in exchange for your review to help build your portfolio and to increase your followers.The more you expand your online presence the big things will follow.


There are several affiliate programs that an online entrepreneur can partner with but I will focus on Google Adsense. I've been a partner with Google for two years. Google Adsense is a program ran by Google through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text images, videos, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted and maintained by Google. They can generate revenue on either a per click or per impression basis. ( Google pays out on the 22nd of each month if you have met the minimum threshold of 100.00. Basically the more traffic you have the higher your chances are to get ad clicks. As shown on my report, I receive cents per click.


Blogging is another way you can earn revenue. Here are a few ideas that bloggers can make money.

  • Bloggers can create online courses to teach other free lancers how to start blogging.

  • Sell digital products: e-books tutorials, printables, pdf, anything digital.

  • Offer a paid membership: online courses, facebbook groups, weekly webinars, newsletters, patron content.

  • Create a podcast

  • Sponsored Post- collaborate, promote and write about their product.


Earn ad revenue from display, overlsy and video ads that run on your channel. You can earn a portion of a subscriber's fee when they watch your content ( Here are ways you can earn money on youtube:

  • Super Chat

  • Youtube Shopping

  • Channel Memberships

  • Youtube Brand Connect

    In order to be eligible you need 1000 subscribers, 4000 valid public watched hours in the previous 12 months.


An e-commerce profits by selling products, whether physical or digital over the internet ( I started my e-commerce in January. I sell my life style fashions and my lipstick products. E-commerce is affordable and manageable for me at the moment. I run specials, and discounts often on my website. My plan is to offer more cosmetics and my branded products.

Hopefully these tips were helpful and you gained some insight on ways you can make money online. Feel free to share any suggestions or tips on ways to make money online in the comment section below.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my site, feel free to click through and read the other stories. Also feel free to follow me on my socials. 😊


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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