Public or Private: Social Media Wars
Prior to social media how did you handle conflict and misunderstandings? Has social media made us bold to say slick stuff and make undercutting comments? Sometimes we have to self analyze ourselves and see where we went wrong. Personally I feel that people were more transparent because they had to deal with you privately instead of publicly.
It’s like most people are becoming more mean spirited because they feel they dont have to sit down and resolve conflict the regular way. They feel social media is quick and to the point by hitting click and send.
We have to get back to our roots and figure out what to share and what not to share.
Do you send people friend request because you like them or to troll. As for me when I send someone a friend request I’m genuine, I like that person and I’m interested in their life and the things they are doing. I don't do the malicious petty stuff. I feel like with my spirituality and age, I don’t want alot of drama and confusion in my life. I try to treat people the way I want to be treated.
When I first started my Facebook account I was under the impression that social media was suppose to be used for communicating and staying connected with friends and family who may live in a different city or state than you who you don't get to see often. I also thought that social media was used to advertise projects, display photos of yourself or accommplishments, and just to have fun.
Some people are using social media to hide behind the screen and be rude, catty, and hurtful intententionally. Alot of relationships has been ruined due to this. We should not embarrass others on social media. We all have feelings, I personally will respect anyone that tell me if I offended them in private instead if airing it out in public.
Some things should remain private such as: disputes and disagreements. If you choose to discountinue a relationship do so in private and keep it moving. Its not necessary to make that public, unless you want an audience and that's real elementary.
Guys I charge each of us to do better, I know our feelings get in the way sometimes and we want the instant gratification by clicking and posting, but that's not showing good character. We have children and the younger generation that we must set an example for so let’s do better.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate you, talk to you soon 🌻