What Would I Do If I Was A Billionaire
If I became a billionaire today, my life would change totally and I would be in the position to change the lives around me. I always wanted to make a difference in my community and the beacon of hope for people who have lost their way and just need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Each day as the Lord spare our lives we should look at it as an opportunity to get it right with him and to become better individuals. I heard the statement many times, whom much is given more is required. If God was to bless me to become a billionaire I will try to make this world a better place. I’ve come up with some things I would do if I was a billionaire and they are:
If I was to become a Billionaire, I would pay off my student loans in full, I will invest in the youth in my community and abroad by building a facility for disadvantaged children 4 years to 18 years of age, and other facilities that help to educate high school drop outs.
Paying Off College Debt The first thing I would do is clear up all of my student loan debt so I can make it possible for others like myself to borrow money towards their education.
When I started college, I didn't have the privilege of having a paid off college debt or a scholarship. I wanted an education so I had to borrow. I definitely would like to have the loans behind me. I also would like to pay off my other loans such as car, store credit cards. etc. I don't like debt and I want to have the freedom of not owning anybody.
Purchasing A School For The Disadvantage I have a soft spot for disadvantage children who are suffering due to their community, lack of resources, and poverty. I want all children to reach their full potential and not fall behind because of their circumstances. If I was a Billionaire I would build a school within an urban community.
My school will include passionate adults, certified teachers. state of the art equipment, and utilities for the children to enjoy at no cost. The only thing I’m asking is that the children apply themselves and stay out of trouble. I will ensure that the students are getting well fed and taken care of. I would offer experiences that will help the children become more well rounded and equipped for the future.
A Facility For Highschool Dropouts If I was a billionaire I would build a facility for highschool dropouts to help reestablish them. My center would have job trainings, tutoring, vocational trainings such as: cosmetology nursing,driver's ed, medical coding and billing,auto mechanics,electrical and legal secretary.
I would offer seminars on different topics such as home making skills, interview skills, computer training, and personal development skills.
Philanthropy Work Lately I’ve been wanting to give back.If I had a Billion dollars I definitely would do philanthropy work. I would give to the needy and to foundations that help the homeless, battered women, children and anyone who needs assistance.
As God blesses us it our duty to help others even our enemies. I charge each of you to give back in some form that will be helpful to someone else.
Drop down in the comment section and tell me what would you do if you were given the opportunity to help someone else. I would love to hear from you.
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